Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Noise vs Music

Was there a time in your life when you grew to dislike certain favorites? Like when you were a child you favored three spoonful of sugar over a half spoonful sugar for coffee? Or a time when you liked wearing your hair long and then soon came to like short ones, only to realize you like wearing your hair long once more? Our preferences changes from time to time – just as how our moods changes whenever we are in different situations. We think, decide and changes our mind. In everything we do, there’s this constant thing we create – change. How can we say that a certain sound may also be both to a certain listener? Remember that we perceive sounds by our auditory senses – our ears. We hear sounds every second of our life, a constant thing, but what we want to hear changes from time to time. Say we want to listen to a genre of techno music at this moment; for the meantime, this is what we call as our music. And just as how we perceive this certain genre as our music, any time of the day or year, this too can also become a noise for us should we soon dislike listening to it. The same goes to other people out there. A change in mood and likes in things especially on sounds they perceive changes. A student preparing for his examination the following day would prefer mellow-toned songs to soothe and relax his mind to study while at the same time hating the noise he hears on the other side of the room his brother is listening to – a music for him. Keep in mind how unique each person is, their personalities may be alike in some ways, but they will never be the same in everything. Two people may like similar genres but there too is a genre where one may call it music while the other noise to his ears. So don’t wonder whenever a friend of yours comes to dislike certain music, food, or anything. Nothing is permanent. Their view in things differs from time to time as well and will definitely be different from you.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Racism in the African-American Community Essay

Abstract Racism is today perceived as a social and baseless evil that tries to undermine certain individuals based on their skin color. It is entirely evident that the U. S. still suffers from some traces of racism, but surprisingly, a big majority of these cases come from the African-American communities. While many people hold the opinion that the African-Americans are the ones that are always on the receiving end, new polls reveal that they are the ones who show more racist behavior than the whites. This paper addresses some of the reasons that lead to racism among the African-American communities and also outlines how this transition slowly came into place after the advent of the 20th century. Additionally, this paper covers the consequences of this menace and its impact on the kind of peace that is present in today’s free states. Ultimately, this text tries to draw a line on the distinctive barrier between what African-Americans call racism and how Americans perceive the same social evil. It also explains why racism by itself is baseless and bears no meaning to the parties involved. RACISM 3 Racism in the African-American Community Racism is a social evil that came as a result of slavery that began in the United States immediately after English colonists inhabited Virginia and remained there until the Thirteenth Amendment to the constitution of the U. S. was passed in 1865. During the 90’s more African-Americans underwent oppression from the Americans as the peak of racism was evident during these years more than ever. However, recent polls from Rasmussen reveal an entirely different perspective of the current racism situation in America. The report by Rasmussen indicated that many Americans believe that blacks are indeed more racist than Caucasians. Additionally, the report stated that a huge percent of African-Americans believe that more blacks are indeed racist than whites, and this is backed up by Norton (2011). This report, however, ended up being skewered and mocked by some people as they saw it to be untrue. This calls for a serious assessment into what is the main cause of this drift into racism in the African-American community and how this will impact people’s relationship. Also, it pushes for the need to better understand how racism itself managed to stay alive through the years despite the fact that such practices were long left behind in the recent years. Reasons for Racism Clearly, the deep trail of racism in African-Americans can be coined from the fact that blacks first faced oppression from the whites and this is what led to the ill-bred feeling among African-Americans. However, there are up to three more reasons why African-Americans are turning out to be more racist than Caucasians. These happen to be the most flagrant and thus top the list when it comes to the factors that result into racism. RACISM 4 First, racism in the African-American community may merely be as a result of different stereotypes. The media is also responsible for fueling this kind of attitude towards African-Americans since it is through televisions, radios, and the internet that most people discover the underlying menace. Ornelas et al. (2009) maintain that whenever young African-Americans are exposed to certain stereotypes, they tend to mimic most of these traits and in turn become negative towards people from other races. In fact, most of these stereotypes are surprisingly among the influential African Americans in the country. During the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Junior’s historic speech, black activists displayed exactly this kind of behavior. This was evident through Martin Luther King III who used this opportunity to stir up racial hatred instead of honoring the work of his father. Another reason for the prevalence of racism amongst the African-American community is the unfamiliarity that is present among newborns and how they are treated in the real world. This is probably the main reason why African-Americans are slowly displaying racist behavior (Okazaki, 2009). However, this doesn’t always happen, but only after the innocent party has been brainwashed by negative stereotypes. A workaround for this is to ensure that children are exposed to people from different races at a young age so that they could get used to being around people who they deem different. This additionally helps in counterbalancing any negative and untrue stereotypes that may present themselves in the future. Selfishness, coupled with pain and anger, is also another valid reason why racism is on the rise among African-Americans (Lambert, 2009). Selfishness may have depicted itself among white people in the past, however, the case is different today. The sad truth is that this selfishness led to the creation of negative stereotypes that ultimately led to a new line of different-minded persons (Martin, 2011). Also, selfishness comes in when an African-American would feel more RACISM 5 compelled to spend more time around people of the same skin color because they he/she may have been exposed only to African-Americans during childhood age. Selfishness coupled with rage for the people who inflicted pain on their forefathers leads to hatred that is directed to white people. Why Racism among African-Americans Will Not End Soon Recently, renowned television icon Oprah Winfrey stepped up to state that racism will only end when old racists perish (Newsbusters. org, 2014). While this sounds logical from one perspective, it fails to address the fact that these stereotypes will never cease to exist any time soon. In most cases, racists will always give birth to racists and the cycle is perpetual. Therefore, despite attempts to curb racism in the African-American community, this menace is still too far from being over as new racists will always come back to replace their mothers and fathers. It is also worth noting that this doesn’t only happen among the African-Americans, but also among the whites as well. Another reason why racism among the African-Americans is far from being over is because they are seen to put so much emphasis on themselves whenever the word â€Å"racism† is mentioned. During the same interview that was conducted by BBC Friday, Winfrey’s comment â€Å"Are there places where people still get terrorized just because of the color of their black skin color? † further showed how most people only view racism in the eyes of how blacks are treated. Looking at the problem this narrowly makes it more difficult to end the menace as the racism chain won’t end if everyone simply defended their skin colors (Bonilla-Silva, 2010). In sum, it can be seen that racism in the African-American community can only be contained but certainly not dealt away with within a year. RACISM 6 How Racism Can Be Contained The fact that racism is not ending in the near future doesn’t necessarily mean that nothing can be done about it. It will certainly take years for the world to heal from this habit, but there are small but significant ways of ensuring that racism slowly fades away in the African-American communities. The first is by educating young African-Americans to reject any form of history of America that has elements of slavery in it (Shelby, 2009). By reminding the blacks about slavery may induce a feeling of resentment towards white people despite the fact that slavery ended decades ago. African Americans also bear the responsibility of desisting from using derisive words such as â€Å"nigger† or any variations associated to it (Cone, 2010). This is because when blacks utter these words, they also tend to inflict the same kind of attitude in people from other races. Additionally, African-Americans should cease supporting black-only institutions or media houses such as BET and Ebony magazine. Generally, anything that depicts the word â€Å"black† should be avoided since it strikes a line between how different Caucasians are from African-Americans, something that is not true (Boykin, 2012). Finally, African-Americans should learn to appreciate the art of decent dressing and totally avoid the use of Ebonics, an African-American slang that is widely used among black individuals. While this may seem far-fetched, it is one step away from ending racism since it shows that even African Americans are trying to fit in with the whites and simply not creating a larger barrier. Collaboration with law enforcement agencies will also be a huge step because this additionally shows that they too are concerned about the well-being of their neighbors and their security as well. RACISM 7 Consequences of Racism Should African-American racism persist, there are a number of things that could happen. Hatred between African-Americans and whites would cause a drift between them, and this could easily spread to people from other races as well. The levels of cooperation would plummet and at the end of the day, nothing would get done (Pieterse, 2010). Other than stirred levels of cooperation, it is likely that some people might get displaced from their homes especially when lands start being claimed by the original inhabitants of a place. Discrimination also leads to poor mental health. In 2009, a Cornwell News Study conducted a study on the effects of racism and results showed that poor mental health is possible and it comes as a result of chronic exposure to discrimination (Brondolo, 2009). Ultimately, there would be total havoc if racism were to have its way for there would be zero tolerance for someone with a different skin color regardless of that person’s character. Wars could easily erupt between black individuals and white individuals, and a drift will end up crippling collaboration between people and thus resulting to a sluggish economy. In summary, there is no place for racism today. It has proved to be a social evil that discriminates individuals based on their color rather than character. Racism, however is seen to come from three main factors which include: unfamiliarity among people of different outlooks, selfishness among people of different colors who only wish for their people to benefit, and the presence of certain stereotypes that are transfixed to the racial practice. It is also mandatory to acknowledge the fact that racism is not an evil that could possibly end overnight because certain individuals have inclined it to a specific group of people and not everyone in general. As such, there will always be complaints regarding racist behavior since most individuals are readily RACISM 8 prepared to cry out for their rights without considering that other people may be facing bigger challenges than them. One way of containing racism would be to ensure that the racist stereotype is dealt away with completely or segregated from children who could easily pick up the negative racist behavior from their elders. Additionally, African-Americans also have a big role to play in ending this discrimination since they seem to be creating a drift between black individuals and white individuals when they only support their brands such as the BET channel and the popular Ebony magazine. The consequences of racism in the African-American community are also grave as they can result to a much bigger drift between whites and blacks in which it would be easy for some people to be displaced from their homes and even be denied jobs. Possibilities of wars are also very high since there would be zero tolerance to a person who doesn’t respect another person just because of their skin color. RACISM 9 Annotated Bibliography Bonilla-Silva, E. (2010). Racism Without Racists: Color-blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States;[new Chapter on the Obama Phenomenon]. Rowman & Littlefield. In this book, Bonilla-Silva, E outlines how racism can persist without the presence or racists themselves. It shows the reality of racism in today’s world and explains the roots of racism and racial inequality in the United States with a lot of emphasis on U. S. president Barrack Obama and the challenges that are faced at the presidential level. Boykin, K. (2012). ONE MORE RIVER TO CROSS (BLACK AND GAY IN AMERICA). Boykin, K explains the different challenges that blacks have to face when seeking their true identity in the U.S. and what life means for them in the U. S. The book goes further to explain how gay African-Americans find it challenging to fit in a world that already has more than enough hurdles to cross and enough reasons to make the weak quit. Brondolo, E. , ver Halen, N. B. , Pencille, M. , Beatty, D. , & Contrada, R. J. (2009). Coping with racism: A selective review of the literature and a theoretical and methodological critique. Journal of behavioral medicine, 32(1), 64-88. This book gives an overview on the way that African Americans try to cope with the kind of racism that they are subjected to in the U. S. It greatly focuses on the impact of this kind of discrimination on the African Americans and what this means for them. Brondolo, E also highlights key factors that cause this racism. Cone, J. H. (2010). A black theology of liberation. Orbis Books. Cone’s A black theology of liberation highlights the Christian-based perspective of oppressed blacks but mainly looks at the Cone’s own reflections on black theology. The book goes ahead to explain how racism can be ridded and it also looks at some of the roots of racism itself. Cone also relives the liberation process that led to the freedom of the blacks, but the book also highlights the hidden traces of racism that are still evident today. Lambert, S. F. , Herman, K. C. , Bynum, M. S. , & Ialongo, N. S. (2009). Perceptions of racism and depressive symptoms in African American adolescents: The role of perceived academic and social control. Journal of youth and adolescence, 38(4), 519-531. This book reviews some of the underlying factors that lead to depression in African American adolescents as a result of heavy subjection to discrimination from racism. The book also briefly touches on some of the causes of racism and explains how racism develops in young people and its impact as they become older. Martin, M. J. , McCarthy, B. , Conger, R. D. , Gibbons, F. X. , Simons, R. L. , Cutrona, C. E. , & Brody, G. H. (2011). The enduring significance of racism: Discrimination and delinquency among black American youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(3), 662-676. Martin, M. J. and other writers analyze the impacts of racism in the African American community and explains its significance in cultivating the kind of peace that is evident in today’s time. His main focus, however, lies in the discrimination of black American RACISM 10 youth by the whites and what this causes in the long run. He establishes how the negative stereotypes are formed as a result of the discrimination that the youths face. Newsbusters. org. (2014). Oprah: racists have to die for racism to end | newsbusters. org [online] Retrieved from: http://newsbusters. org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/11/15/oprah-racists-have-die-racism-end [Accessed: 8 Feb 2014]. This article outlines a transcript from an interview between Oprah Winfrey and BBC Friday regarding racism. In the article, Oprah is asked about her views on racism and various ways in which she thinks would put an end to the perpetual menace that has crippled our world today. The article also outlines an important factor that shows why racism won’t end soon, and how the African Americans are fueling the perpetuating racism act. Norton, M. I. , & Sommers, S. R. (2011). Whites see racism as a zero-sum game that they are now losing. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(3), 215-218. Norton, M. I. , & Sommers, S. R. reveal the truth behind what whites really perceive as racism today and the effects of racism in a world that has moved way ahead of racism. The two authors go further to explain why racism among the whites is baseless and bears no real truth or inner meaning other than the fact that it is a social evil that once existed in the past. Okazaki, S. (2009). Impact of racism on ethnic minority mental health. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(1), 103-107. Okazaki explains the effects of racism on the mental health of the minority in the state. He also outlines some of the other non-health related mishaps that come as a result of social oppression. In his book, he states what would eventually happen if racism were to go on without showing any signs of ending soon. He however focuses on the effect this would have on the ethnic minority. Ornelas, I. J. , Amell, J. , Tran, A. N. , Royster, M. , Armstrong-Brown, J. , & Eng, E. (2009). Understanding African American men’s perceptions of racism, male gender socialization, and social capital through photovoice. Qualitative health research, 19(4), 552-565. This book tries to understand African American men’s perceptions of racism and the new trend of some African Americans feeling more racially discriminated than people of other races. It also highlights some of the reasons that lead to the prevalence of this notion among African Americans. Ornelas also explains why racism is a social evil that cannot be expelled overnight. Pieterse, A. L. , & Carter, R. T. (2010). The role of racial identity in perceived racism and psychological stress among Black American adults: Exploring traditional and alternative approaches. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(5), 1028-1053. Pieterse, along with Carter seek to understand how racism is perceived by African American individuals aged over 21 years. Their book also strives to find the deeper meaning as to why racism is a bigger matter than we thought of it. It also explains reasons why getting rid of racism would be a great feat. RACISM 11 Shelby, T. (2009). We who are dark: The philosophical foundations of black solidarity. Harvard University Press. We who are dark tries to relive the African American history in an attempt to unite blacks. It emphasizes on the importance of dealing away with racism and living in unity as one big family. Shelby’s book also highlights the key differences between the perceptions of both whites and blacks with regard to racism. It also shows us how history has helped in cultivating black solidarity.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Big Bazaar one of leading Indian retail chains

Big Bazaar one of leading Indian retail chains Executive Summary Big-Bazaar is one the leading retail chain in India. This retail chain is exemplary in terms of performance. Many other business leaders have entered in this retail business seeing the success of Big-Bazaar in India. It is considered epitome of operational and efficiency excellence in India. IT is one of the most successful ventures initiated by Kishore Biyani of Future Group. With the success of this retail chain, it has expanded its branches all over the India and now they are planning to venture into a foreign land. This is the study of Big-Bazaar’s marketing plan if it will plan to enter in United Arab Emirates. Through this study we are planning to have detailed study of Big-Bazaar future plan of entry in United Arab Emirates. This Study will check the Marketing Objective, Marketing plan, Financial Plan and resource acquisition plan of Big-Bazaar with its retail chain launch in United Arab Emirates. This study will study in detail about the profit gener ation, Retail chain operational planning and its profit generation analysis. Here, we will start from where we have left last time. We did cultural analysis and enabling factors for Big-Bazaar in last Phase I project. Now in phase II project we are going in detail about the study of marketing plan and promotion mix to attract customer and to establish its trademark operational efficiency in providing superior service at rock Bottom price. Here, in this study we will take the traditional approach of making the marketing plan of Big-Bazaar. We will proceed in the following manner. First we are going to study about the marketing objective, and then we will start with the Marketing plan. This will be followed by financial plan which will detail about the financial items like product costing and financial statements including income statements. We will discuss about the promotion mix and resource requirement for the retail chain operation. Marketing Plan Introduction Marketing Plan will check how to strategize the opening of Big-Bazaar retail chain in UAE. It will also check out the advertisement, Packaging and promotion plans for this new retail chain. The detailed study will work as the starting plan for the launch of product in UAE and it will then be made to change gradually with sale increase from the expectation to the aspired. It will change with course of time depending on the success and failure of the program. We are going to study about the marketing tactics in this section. Marketing Objective Target Market Citizens of United Arab Emirates will be the target market for Big-Bazaar. Presence of lot of expatriates will be boon for the company as they have the ready visibility for this brand. For Company the basic target group will be the shoppers who are willing to spend their money economically and those who the value of their money. Therefore our target customer will be the people who are married and who belong to the middle class family. Company will al so be cashing on the presence of Indians there. (Retail Market in Middle East)

Is the liability of a carrier for the carriage of goods by sea any Essay - 1

Is the liability of a carrier for the carriage of goods by sea any different under the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules than it is at common law - Essay Example These exceptions were stated in the Acts of Lading, making carriers an almost untouchable lot. Later on their insistence led to a free-for-all in contract negotiation, and to carriers claiming and securing exception from almost all manner and form liability, even negligence. This led to the decision of the maritime stakeholders to have some form of control to prevent widespread abuse of claims arising from this situation. At the International Conference on Maritime Law held at Brussels in October 1922, (1) the delegates at the conference, agreed unanimously to recommend their respective government to adopt as the basis of a convention a draft convention for the unification of certain rules such as responsibilities, liabilities, rights and immunities attaching to carriers under the bills of lading. Bill of lading is a receipt of terms of the contract of carriage, which is generally evidenced by a document. This receipt is issued by the ship owner acknowledging that goods have been delivered to him for the purpose of carriage and the terms of the contract are incorporated in the bill of lading. signed at Brussels on the 25th of August, 1924; the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to bills of lading or The Hague Rules(2) was passed. In its bare essence, the Rules obliged carriers to provide seaworthy vessels at the beginning of the voyage and exercise due care for the goods throughout it(3) Thereafter, the U.K. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1971 was passed to give effect to the protocol. The 1971 Act was brought into force in June 1977 and it repealed the 1924 Act and re-enacted the Hague Rules in their amended Hague Visby form.(4) "Contract of carriage by sea" means any contract whereby the carrier undertakes against payment of freight to carry goods by sea from one port to another; The Carriage of Goods

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Opportunity cost of corruption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Opportunity cost of corruption - Essay Example The research is aiming to find the impact of corruption on the economy of the country and the people as individuals. What are the sources and consequences of corruption. The results are based on the empirical study and search work available on the Internet.The results of the study and research leaded to outcome that corruption is a global problem that exists at all levels. Corruption can be defined as the abuse of public power for personal ends. Corruption can be defined as use of authority or power to meet personal ends. It has always existed in the world and now-a-days is being treated as global concern. In a corrupted society, personal enrichment considerations take preference over the establishment of rights for all, resulting in biased decision making. Corruption is not confined to a State or country but is prevalent at a global level. Let's have a look at state of corruption on a worldwide scale. The figures are indeed shocking. According to the Asian Development Bank, one East Asian country is estimated to have lost $48 billion over 20 years due to corruption, surpassing its entire foreign debt of $40.6 billion. It has been calculated that as much as $30 billion in aid for Africa has ended up not in Africa, but in foreign bank accounts. Thirty billion dollars is twice the annual gross domestic product of Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda combined. Corruption, it turns out, costs many governments as much as 50 percent of their tax revenues1. 2. Effects of Corruption When the effects of the corruption are considered they cannot be shown as a direct relation ship with the economic changes. The negative changes in the economy due to the corrupt ideas and deeds can be connected with each other to estimate cost of corruption. For example the subprime market is overloaded with bad loans that smashed the holes into a financial ship. This is due to the fact that the banks are giving loans to the borrowers without substantial proof of their income sources. The disbursal of loans without substantial proof or guarantee will result in bad loans. The loans that are given to the borrowers who have no source to pay are due to corruption. This resulted in 40 percent of sub prime market is made up of these loans. The appraisal will be fraudulent when the officers are corrupted and it costs the bank or any financial organization thousands and millions of dollars in the form of non profitable assets. This in turn will halt or slows down the growth of the economy i n the near future. When the loans are going bad the mortgage companies are making lot of money and the banks are at receiving end. These companies are spending few million dollars and are making money from billions of mortgage loans. As long as the artificial rise of the property continued the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Macro Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Macro Economics - Essay Example 2011, p.204. The central bank of England has a duty to regulate the amount of money in the economy through various instruments at its disposal hence stabilizing economic inflation. These strategies are used by the central bank of England to control the rate of inflation, either by encouraging the public to spend more, or lowering their spending rate depending on the prevailing economic conditions (Joyce, 2010, p. 176). Central bank applies both conventional and unconventional strategies to regulate the rate of inflation in United Kingdom. In order for the central bank to plan the means they will use to manipulate the rate of inflation in the economy effectively, they should be able to predict the trend of economic advancement at least two years in advance. When the central bank of England increases the amount of money in circulation, they encourage public to spend more, thus pushing the rate of inflation high (, 2009, p.48). If the central bank decreases the amoun t of money in circulation, they will discourage people to spend more hence reduce the rate of inflation. Asset Purchases financed by Central Bank Money: Quantitative Easing High inflation results to overspending by both individuals and business. This results to decline in saving power of the consumers (, 2009, p.47). It also affects the lending power of the financial institutions. The central bank of England has mandate to regulate the rate of inflation of the country by playing around with the interests which they charge the financial institutions. During the time of high inflation, the central bank of England will increase the interest rates of the lenders. This high interest rate has an effect of reducing the lending rate so as to lower the rate of spending. The central aims to achieve this by discouraging borrowers from acquiring expensive loans. As the individuals and businesses borrow fewer funds from the financial institutions, the money in circulation

Friday, July 26, 2019

Write a report to your Departmental Manager on the Implementation of Coursework

Write a report to your Departmental Manager on the Implementation of Effective Job Design within the Organisation - Coursework Example Inadequately designed jobs often bring about dullness and consequently increased turnover, demotivation, low levels of job contentment, diminished efficiency, and an escalation in organizational costs. Many of these undesirable concerns could be circumvented or reduced through effective job design or proper detection of major job constituents. defines job design as â€Å"Work arrangement (or rearrangement) aimed at reducing or overcoming job dissatisfaction and employee alienation arising from repetitive and mechanistic tasks. Through job design, organizations try to raise productivity levels by offering non-monetary rewards such as greater satisfaction from a sense of personal achievement in meeting the increased challenge and responsibility of ones work. Job enlargement, job enrichment, job rotation, and job simplification are the various techniques used in a job design exercise.† There are broadly two approaches to job design which is based on two different schools of thoughts. The first method involves fitting individuals to jobs. It is founded upon the hypothesis that people can be modified to any work condition. Thus employee attitudes towards the job are overlooked and jobs are aimed at producing maximum economic and technological productivity. This methodology uses the doctrines of scientific management and work simplification. In contrast, the second method involves fitting jobs to individuals. It is centered upon the theory that individuals are underutilized at the task and long for more challenges and accountability. Practices such as job rotation, job enlargement, etc. are used while designing jobs under the second alternative. The scientific management approach was devised by F.W. Taylor. The approach is based on the application of scientific principles to job design. Work, according to this approach should be scientifically analyzed and fragmented into predetermined tasks. Taylor supports job specialization

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Self-perception of young female and male students from Somali ethnic Essay

Self-perception of young female and male students from Somali ethnic group in Britain today - Essay Example Because of the changing structure of the education institution in Britain as well as the failure of several schools to sufficiently and fairly train or educate marginalised ethnic groups, such as the Somalis, an emphasis on issues of ethnic identity has emerged in relation to curriculum (Rutter, 2003, 29). Motivating a great deal of ethnic identity literature is frequently inherent and at times clear assumption that exposing students from disenfranchised ethnic groups to academic discussions of their own culture improves their mental and emotional security (Desforges, 2003, 42). Hence, the purpose of this study is to find out the current perceptions of Somali students in Britain of their own ethnic identity in order to ascertain the ‘best practices’ that may be applied to diversity management in the British education institution. 1.2. The researcher is confident that this study will provide an opportunity that would encourage critical reflection in Somali students of the ir ethnic identity. This study hopes to raise issues of group belongingness, conflict with the mainstream group, and individual identity. Certainly, the researcher views this subject matter as one valuable response to counteracting the failure of the British education institution to adequately and justly educate Somali students. ... r acknowledges that ethnicity is just one level of ethnic identity of students and that a variety of other variables influence how students understand their history and sense of group belongingness. 1.4. The potential users of this research are education practitioners such as school administrators and teachers. Understanding of the phases of ethnic identity development can aid teachers in correctly interpreting their students’ responses when they experience culturally or ethnically charged problems. And most importantly, Somali students as well as their families can use this research to understand their current situation in Britain and the possible means of dealing with issues of ethnic identity. 1.5. This study will try to answer the following research questions: 1. How do Somali students in Britain perceive their ethnic identity today in terms of their: a. relationship with their teachers; b. their socialisation experiences in school; c. their experiences with instructional practices and classroom curriculum. 2. Literature Review 2.1. Introduction London has the biggest Somali population at present. Somalis, in 2002, were reported as the biggest immigrant groups in London schools (Rutter, 2006, 177). Settlement patterns in the UK are influenced by ethnic identity. That ethnic identity establishes settlement patterns in UK schools possibly will have distinct groups of Somali children, with different experiences (Kassem, Mufti & Robinson, 2006, 91). A UK-born Somali child, for instance, will have distinct experiences from a child who immigrated from Mogadishu (Rutter, 2006, 177). Clan membership in the UK is less significant among migrant groups before 1988 but it remains extremely significant among new immigrants (ibid, p. 177-178). Memories of violence and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Case Study Example It has been found out that the company should immediately take initiatives to engage in more innovative and benefit reaping CSR activities so as to improve its socially responsible image and ensure its long-term sustainability. Shell Oil Company is the American subsidiary of the multinational oil major company, Royal Dutch Shell. The Royal Dutch Shell is an oil company of Anglo-Dutch origin and is one of the largest oil corporations in the world. The head office of Shell Oil Company is in Houston, Texas. The company along with its share in the equity companies and the consolidated companies is one of the leading oil and natural gas producing businesses in the United States of America. The company is also engaged in the business of natural gas marketing, petrochemical manufacturing, and gasoline marketing. The main products sold by the company include fuels, oils, and oil card services. The company also deals with the production, exploration, and refining of natural oil and petroleum products. For this purpose, the corporate social responsibility initiatives taken up by Shell Company and the main motives of the corporation for adopting these CSR practices are discussed. The outcomes of the CSR activities are evaluated as per the effects of the different internal and external stakeholder groups and a discussion is made on how these activities have shaped up the image and reputation of the company among the global stakeholder groups. The report is concluded by providing suitable recommendations as to how the chosen company can improve the brand reputation by engaging in more innovative CSR initiatives.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Seamus Heaney Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Seamus Heaney - Assignment Example However, although these themes contextually appear to be poet’s major thematic concerns yet these themes are also a reflection of universal human behavior and interests. Both the poems Follower and Digging take the readers on a journey down the memory lane where the poet is observed to be recalling two incidents of joy and pride from his pasts regarding his father and grandfather. The Follower depicts a tale of a young child who idealizes his father and his profession i.e. farming and reflects on the child’s feelings about his future when he will also get a chance to walk in his father’s footsteps and will be able to work on his beloved lands. The poem also deals with an interesting phenomenon of life i.e. life comes in full circle and evolution under the context that when a child is young he idealizes his father as he sees him at a high pedestal where he can never expect himself to reach that point. Yet as he grows up ultimately he outshines his father’s glory and succeeds his father and then his father is the one who looks up to his son’s success.  Ã‚  However, he also hints upon the changing times where he thinks that his pen is his weapon to succeed in life although he is not ashamed of his roots, in fact, he still finds it delightful to work on the lands along with using the pen as a tool for a better future. Self-identity of a person is the sole constituent that makes up a personality of a human being because it is a proof against an individual’s individuality and an independent existence as it forms the foundation of a man’s ego and self-esteem. Subsequently, it is a natural human instinct to struggle in life in order to retain his independence and never let another individual question his identity for this reason every individual feels pride over his roots as his heritage also provides him self-confidence. Hence Heaney is also observed to be extensively incorporating the theme of identity in both the po ems Followers and Digging which reflects on the Poet’s feeling regarding his life history. As Kenneally (1995) also states, â€Å"the mystical authority of poetry has its analogue in the mystical authority of a particular conception of Ireland, and it is no accident that one of the terms which discussion of Heaney’s poetry and discussion of Irish cultural Politics have in common is ‘Identity’† (p.180). Kenneally also reiterates that Heaney’s poems are, â€Å"carefully structured to give the notion of identity pride of place in Heaney’s critical orientation† (p.180). The readers while reading the poem since the importance that the poet puts in the profession of his ancestors as he believes that farming is his actual identity although he might seek other means to succeed in life. As the poet also states in Digging,

The Life and Legacy of William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

The Life and Legacy of William Shakespeare Essay Seven years later after their wedding, William Shakespeare was born in April 26, 1564 in Stratford (accepted birth and birth place) to Mr. and Mrs. John Shakespeare. William had eight siblings, and although he didn’t get a chance to meet all of them, they were still part of his family. Joan (Oldest Sister), the first child brought a huge amount of joy to the young, and ambitious couple, only to be dealt a dreadful blow shortly after her birth; On September 15,1558 Joan was baptized (only survived two months). Margaret (Older Sister), was born in 1562 and was baptized on December 2. Once again family life was devastated as the little Margaret only lived for one year. Two years after William’ birth, the Shakespeare’s fourth child, Gilbert was born. Gilbert was baptized at Holy Trinity on October 13, 1566, at Holy Trinity. He followed his older brother (William) to London where he established a good and successful career later in life. Joan (Younger Sister), was born in 1569, she was named after her oldest sister, Joan. She had a dissimilar childhood to her older brothers. She was known, like her parents, to be unable to read or write. Joans childhood would have therefore been close to the family and helping her mother with the chores. Anne (Youngest Sister), was born September 28 1571, when William was seven years old, Gilbert was five and Joan was two providing the three brothers and sisters with another sister. Another catastrophe struck the family in 1579 when little eight year old Anne Shakespeare died. Richard (Younger Brother), was born 1574 and baptized on March 11, when William was 10 years old, Gilbert was 8, Joan was five and Anne was three providing the four brothers and sisters with another brother. In 1578 his elder brothers were removed from school to help with the business and it is therefore doubtful that Brother Richard received much of an education. Edmund (Youngest Brother), was born in 1580, he was christened on May 3. He had four, healthy, living siblings; Brother William aged 16, Brother Gilbert aged 14, Sister Joan aged 11 and Brother Richard aged 6. He never had the chance to meet his other older sisters Anne, Joan (eldest sister), and Margaret. William Shakespeare Brothers Sisters. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2012.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Creative Writing Essay Example for Free

Creative Writing Essay Muscles and staring blue eyes looked back at the Eliot zombie. Ellie screamed. Then fell to the floor. Eliot then started to rip up her face. He put it to his mouth and started chewing it. Back in the tunnel the group was getting bored. Ive had enough of this, said Harry, Im going to go and look for some food, anyone coming? Ill go, replied Beth, Im getting quite hungry myself. The pair walked out the tunnel and went right. There has to be some food round here, Harry said optimistically. Whats that? Beth said confused. On the horizon they saw a sort of shack. It looked like a bomb shelter. Harry and Beth ran to the building. They opened that door. It swung open with a creak. In front of them were some barrels at the back, some shelves on the side with some boxes on, and a trap door in the centre of the room. Have a look on them shelves, maybe there is some food in them boxes, Harry said bossily. The duo searched the shelves in search of food. Beth screamed. There was a spider. I hate spiders. Beth turned a shade of red. Harry found a flashlight. Come on, theres no food in here. Lets have a look under that trapdoor. Harry said, starting to get agitated by the lack of food. He pulled the door up above his head. A rusty staircase stood below them. They got to the bottom of the stairs. Harry turned on the flashlight. The torchlight showed stalactites hanging from the roof like the dead bodies of criminals that had been hung centurys ago, there was a pool of water at the back of the cave. Huge cobwebs went up the sides of the cave. Bones were scattered on the ground. Beth and Harry could hear scuttling behind them, they turned around. There was nothing there. Then something gooey dropped on Beths shoulder. They looked up and saw a twenty five foot spider looking down at them with its eight eyes. Beth screamed. The spider raised its abdomen and shot a sticky string at her. She tried to run but the web stopped her. Beths body was wrapped up in a silk tomb. Harry could still hear her screaming. HELP! The spider came down from its web. It stabbed its sting into her back, injecting her with a nerve poison. Beth screamed louder than before. Her body began to shake. She fell to the ground. The spider then dragged her body back up to its web. Harry could still hear faint screaming. Then it stopped. Her body was, twitching like someone who has just drank five cups of coffee. Harry ran backwards, but he tripped over a bone. Looking into the darkness, He heard a buzzing. A giant bug flew out and It grabbed him with two of its six hue legs, its large, bulbous eyes stared at him. The buzzing from its wings almost deafened him. It took him up to its nest. It pinned him down and spayed a liquid into his face. His face started to burn. His eyes started to melt. Harry started screaming. Giant maggots came out of the nest. They hadnt eaten in years. They bit into Harry. They ripped his body limb from limb. The maggots then ate the rest of his body while the bug flew back into the darkness. Waiting for the next unsuspecting victim to wander into is trap. Guy, Lorna and Laura were waiting in the other tunnel. They were starting to get hungry. Look over there, said Lorna, there is a light, maybe there is some food. The group moved down the tunnel. When the group got to the light hundreds maybe thousands of zombies were stumbling about in front of them. Laura screamed. The noise had attracted the zombies attention. Right you two, get out. Ill run down there and maybe the zombies will follow me. Said Lorna, bravely, Good luck. Thanks Lorna, said the pair. She ran off making loads of noise and waving her arms about. The zombies followed her down another tunnel. Come on, lets get out. Guy noticed an opening in the roof. Up there; an escape Guy said quickly. Guy and Laura heard a scream from down the tunnel. The zombies had caught up with Lorna. The pair ran up some ladders up to a metal platform. Quick move. Laura you first. Laura had gotten through the hole in the ceiling when a zombie came up behind guy and grabbed him. It pulled him to the ground. NO! GUY! screamed Laura. QUICK! SAVE YOURS Guy was cut off. The zombie ripped open his torso. Laura could see all of Guys internal organs. His heart was still beating slowly. Guy screamed. Then stopped moving. The zombie plunged his hand into Guys corpse like a policeman dunking a jam doughnut into a hot cup of coffee. He got a hand full of Guys intestines and brought it to its rotten mouth. It sunk its teeth into the organs. Blood dropped onto is ripped, stained shirt. No! Laura wept. She crawled out of the hole and stood on top of the mountain. She stopped and thought of all of her friends, Eliot, Lorna, Guy, Beth, Harry, Ellie, Sam and Nadim. Tears streamed down her face and dripped onto the sandy floor, making a small puddle. Suddenly a pair of blood stained hands burst out. They latched on to her foot. Holding on as tight as it could. Laura yelled. The zombie pulled Laura back towards the hole she crawled through. She dropped back through the floor. She could see guys body. He was pale. Laura was screaming. The zombies that were distracted had come back. Laura could see familiar faces in the crowd of death. Eliot, Lorna, Ellie and Nadim were lurching towards her. She looked back over to Guy. His body started to move. He stood up. His liver and stomach fell from his body and splattered on the ground. His ribcage swung back and forth like saloon doors in a gale. Laura jumped down from the platform. Come on! Youre going to have me, so have me! Laura shouted. She ran into the middle of the crowd yelling. A scream echoed through the cave. Then it all went quiet. Nothing could be heard apart from the groaning of the dead. By James Haselden 10T1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

curriculum Theory and Practice

curriculum Theory and Practice PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CURRICULUM THEORIZING Curriculum theory is the manner in which the philosophy of certain approaches to advancement and enactment of curriculum is described. Within the wider field of curriculum studies, it is both the analysis of the curriculum historically and a way of viewing contemporary educational curriculum and policy decision. However, a very useful starting point here is the definition of the word â€Å"curriculum.† According to John Kerr’s definition which was adopted by Vic Kelly in his typical work on the topic, curriculum entails planned and guided learning by the school. It is carried on in either groups or on individuals, within or without the school. There are four manners in which to approach curriculum theory and practice. They are as follows: Curriculum is seen as a body of knowledge to be transmitted. In this sense I cannot equate the curriculum with a syllabus. In essence the syllabus is simply a summarized assertion of the heads of a dissertation, the gist of a discourse, and the subjects of a series of lectures. It is attached to courses directed to examination. This view of the curriculum limits planning to a contemplation of the content or the body of knowledge that may be transmitted. Curriculum as a product, i.e., an effort to attain definite ends in students. However varied human life may appear to be, it consists in the performance of specific activities. Therefore, education should prepare a student for life, i.e., preparing definitely and adequately for such activities. Despite being copious and varied they can be exposed for any social class. This obliges one to go out into the world of affairs and find out the specifics of which his/her affairs consist. And as such it would be easy to show the abilities, forms, habits, appreciation and attitudes that people need. These have to be the objectives of the curriculum, thus making it (curriculum) a progression of know-how that learners at all levels must have by way of obtaining those objectives. Curriculum as process. Looking at curriculum as a process implies how teachers, students and knowledge interact. That is, curriculum has to be seen in terms of what essentially takes place in the classroom set up and what people do to prepare and evaluate. Curriculum as praxis. Whereas the process model is impelled by broader principles and emphasizes on judgment and meaning making, it does not formulate unequivocal statements about the interests it serves. The praxis model on the other hand, conveys these to the centre of the course and makes an unequivocal dedication to emancipation. Therefore, action is not merely informed, it is also committed. That is, curriculum is not merely a set of plans to be implemented, but somewhat is composed through a dynamic process in which planning, acting and evaluating are all mutually related and incorporated into the process. Therefore, curriculum should in due course produce students who are able to deal efficiently with the contemporary world. It should not be presented as finished concept, but should instead include the learner’s preconception and should amalgamate how the learner views his/her own world. In this perspective four instincts are used, to describe how to characterize the behavior of children. They consist of social, constructive, expressive, and artistic. The curriculum should then build a logical sense of the world in which the child lives. As a curriculum designer I have to use livelihoods to connect diminutive account of fundamental activities of life classroom activities. This could be accomplished by combining subject areas and resources. It means I have to make connections between subject matter and the child’s life. Teaching methods should focus on hands-on problem solving, experimenting, and projects, often having students work in groups. Curriculum should bring the disciplines together to focus on resolving problems in an interdisciplinary way. Rather than passing down organized bodies of knowledge to new learners, they (learners) should apply their knowledge to real situations through experimental inquiry. This prepares students for citizenship, daily living, and future careers. I have to acknowledge the fact that humans are social beings and do learn best in real-life activities with each other. Therefore education must be based on this principle. As a curriculum designer I will have to depend on the paramount scientific theories of learning available. I may borrow from John Deweys model of learning where learners behave as if they were scientists. That is, Be perceptive of the problem. Be able to delineate the problem. Suggest the hypothesis to solve it. Weigh up the consequences of the hypotheses from one’s past experiences. Test the most likely solution. With this view on human nature, it is my genuine concern that students should be provided with real-life experiences and activities that center on their real life. This is in comparison to a distinctive progressivism slogan which states, Learn by Doing! According to NCLB Act of 2001, assessments of students is supposed to be criterion-referenced tests where a student is tested on his knowledge of the required content or if he/she can do the required skill as outlined in the states standards. Unlike the norm-referenced tests, where student’s performance is based on how he/she is ranks compared to other students, the curriculum has to provide a substitute to the test-oriented instruction as stated by the NCLB Act 2001 on funding. This will enable the student, at the end of his course of study, to apply the knowledge he acquired to real-life situation in his/her daily life. As contrasted to the traditional curriculum of the 19th century, that is ingrained in conventional preparation for the university and strongly discriminated by socioeconomic level, I strongly propose a type of curriculum which finds its roots in the current experiences, is more autonomous in outlook and looks forward. The quality of this curriculum should: Emphasize on learning by doing, i.e., hands-on projects, experiential learning Integrate curriculum that is focused on thematic elements Strongly emphasize on problem solving and critical thinking Encourage group work and growth of social skills Understanding and action should be the objective of learning as contrasted to rote knowledge. Accentuate collaborative and cooperative learning projects Emphasize education for social responsibility and democracy Integrate service learning projects and community service into the daily curriculum. Select the content of the subject by looking forward to ask over what skills will be desirable in the prospective society. Discourage emphasize on textbooks as only learning resources in favor of other varied learning resources. Emphasize on life-long learning and social proficiencies. Assessment based on evaluation of the learner’s projects and productions. In conclusion an acceptable curriculum should be that which makes a learner to be creative, self-reliant and make him excel in all aspects of life that suite his desires. It would be unfair to have a curriculum which ignores the social aspect of a child because he/she lives in a society that is ever social. The curriculum should also enable the student to apply that which he/she learns in the classroom in real life experience. References:, (2008) Module One: History and Philosophy of Education Stenhouse, L. (1975) An Introduction to Curriculum research and Development, London: Heinemann. Kliebard, H. M. (1987) The Struggle for the American Curriculum 1893 – 1958, New York: Routledge. Taba, H. (1962) Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice, New York: Harcourt Brace and World. Blenkin, G. M. et al (1992) Change and the Curriculum, London: Paul Chapman

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Solving Violence in the Media Essay -- Social Issues

This game is so cool! I can do whatever I want. I can rob the bank, I can hit other people with a baseball bat, and I can kill people. Why do I kill? Because I'm the boss and because I can! This is just a game! These are some thoughts that come into my mind when I play Grand Theft Auto. Many kids in America play many violent games. In fact, forty-two percent of children play at least an hour per day ("Video Games Cause Aggressive†¦ 2). Many people believe that violence in the media doesn't affect a child's behavior at all. Well, I am opposing that viewpoint. Getting rid of some violence in the media will greatly affect children behavior. Many people don’t believe that viewing some violent acts in the media doesn't really influence the way a person acts. Children learn by observing, imitating, and making behaviors by themselves, which are greatly influenced by the media (Clark 1). Children learn very easily. They spend many of their free time in front of the T.V. Parents tend to use T.V. as a babysitter for kids. Televisions are colorful and fun! Most human are drawn into the mysterious world of the media, starting since they were a little baby. "When television debut in the 1990's, two-third of television sets were owned by families with children less than twelve years of age". Children are theoretically more susceptible to behavioral  influences when they are actively participating than when they are observers ( Clark 2). I spend most of my after school time locking myself in my room, playing video games. Not just fun video game, but I play violent video games. The amount of time that children spend playing video games is increasing. Research shows that sixty percent of children report that they can play video game longer th... ...heir bedroom  (Violent Video Games Are†¦" 1). So, when a parent thinks that their child is asleep in his room dreaming of sweet dreams, he might actually be playing games that involve hurting other people. Parents do not pay attention to relevant researches, and ratings. Every single parent should start using the ratings. They will join the ninety four percent of parents that find the rating helpful (Video Games Cause Aggressive†¦" 4). There are many other options than viewing violent entertainment. A kid should play sports and enjoy outdoor. For example, a kid can lose can calories playing tennis than watching movies that are violent. Bloods and gores are for adults who are mature enough to handle them. It is not appropriate for children. So, make kids active rather than making them violent. It will be great for children to grow healthy and violence less.

Organizational Strategy and Structure of Unilever Essay -- Business St

Organizational Strategy and Structure of Unilever Introduction Unilever is one of the largest packaged consumer goods companies specializing in hundreds of different brands. Unilever is based in Holland and the UK and is jointly owned by Unilever N.V and Unilever PLC. Both companies have the same board of directors but operate as a single entity and list there stock separately. In 2000, Unilever restructured their board of directors by electing new faces to the board and seeing other key members retire, like Jan Peelen and Robert Philips. Miles and Snow stated that there are four types of organizational strategies pursued by companies; Defenders, Prospectors, Analyzers and Reactors. Unilever are a company that uses the â€Å"Prospectors† organization type. Prospectors are organizations which almost continually search for market opportunities, and they regularly experiment with potential responses to emerging environmental trends, in particular when Vis was appointed to the Food Executive committee and began to emphasize more on environmental and sustainable development in response to changing trends and demands by consumers giving these consumers greater confidence. (Miles & Snow; pp29) In my discussion, the main types of organizational strategies and structures will be listed and how they have impacted on Unilever’s improved performance and growth in recent years. Organizational strategies and structures, and there impact on Unilever’s performance †¢ Restructured Approach: 1. Identifying market opportunities: A key part of an organizational strategy is to identify market opportunities by finding a niche or a gap in the marketplace that they can pursue to take their company ahead of all their competitors. An organiz... ...ification as we move towards our destination IT architecture, and further strengthen our global market presence† said Neil Cameron, chief information officer at Unilever. Unilever’s steady underlying improvement in Europe has continued, with 2.8% growth in the year. The fourth quarter was particularly strong, at 5.5%, against a weaker comparator. The Americas were up by 4.1% in the year, with Brazil and Mexico improving through the year, while the US grew solidly at 3.2%. Asia Africa has shown consistent, broad-based growth across countries and categories throughout the year, up by 11.1%. This demonstrates that merging with globalised technologically advanced companies such as SAS, and using their expertise, is paying dividends for Unilever. (Unilever’s Annual Report, 2007) (Drinks Business Review, â€Å"Unilever selects SAP as standard for global IT Strategy†, May 2007)

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sri Lanka :: Politics, Sinhalese Majority

Obtaining true Independence for Sri Lanka as a nation from the British was a long struggle which began in 1915 due to a rivalry between the Sri Lankan Muslims and the Sinhalese Majority over commercial interests which led to a riot in Colombo, the administrative capital of what is then known to the world as Ceylon (Corporation, 2008). The British, in response to the riots among the Ceylonese and the Muslims, placed the sole blame of these riots on the Sinhalese and implemented strict punishments on the Sinhalese showing (IrÄ manÃŒ ²Ã„ tanÃŒ ², 1916). As a result anti British feelings began to increase among the Sinhalese majority, and an intense interest was placed in needing to be an independent nation (Corporation, 2008). However, it was just a work in progress until the LSSP Sri Lanka Socialist movement founded in 1935 demanded that the nation be freed from the British and the administrative language of English be replaced with Sinhala and Tamil (Tambiah S. J., 1992). However, the plan of Sri Lanka being an independent nation which addressed the needs of all ethnic groups of the nation, despite starting as a collectivist ideology soon began to deteriorate upon obtaining the long waited freedom in February 1948. This was due to the post colonial separatist mentality (LePoer, 2002). Additionally following the independence, vital questions as the citizenship concerns of Sri Lanka’s up country Indian Tamils and the National Language concerns were not addressed (Roberts, 1994). Furthermore when these questions were addressed during the S.L.F.P rule from 1956-1965 the methods used in addressing these imperative problems which gave the minorities of Sri Lanka their individual identity was slanted toward the Sinhala majority (Hennayake, 2006, pp. 76-91). Considering the fact that an ethnic identity in a nation being a result of long preserved traditions followed by a set of people, when combined as a state with multiple ethnic identities will possibly result in a conflict of interests. Furthermore, as mentioned by Authors David Lake and Donald Rothchild, in most cases, the small minority will adopt to the Majority but when considering a substantial seize minority it becomes hard to adopt in such manner (Lake & Rothchild, 1998, p. 48). This being the case of the Sri Lankan Tamils who is a large minority in comparison to other groups, and having key administrative roles during the colonial era began to protest on the new Sri Lankan legislation as the â€Å"Sinhala Only Act† (Tambiah S.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Shackled Continent

1. What are the key themes of the book and what is the author’s opinion on them? The Shackled Continent is a lively, engaging and ultimately hopeful book about Saharan Africa written by Robert Guest. The author analyses the question why Africa still is so poor and reflects the problems in this region like poverty, disease, war, corruption†¦ and it is enlivened by the stories and encounters that he recites, and by the idea, that things need not be this way forever.There are differences of culture and history in these different countries, but again there are similarities of experience that marks out much of the post-colonial period. Corruption is endemic, poverty everywhere, wars are brutal and never-ending, and AIDS daily saps at the lives of people. The author criticises the failure in leadership of most African countries and reflects that Africa still needs to go a long way to improve, but at the end, it will prosper. 2. What did you find interesting in the book? Why?Hon estly I found The Shackled Continent a very interesting book and could not say exactly how much I liked a particular part better than the others, and I've always wanted to know what exactly is happening in this region of the world, which do not stop watching unpleasant images on television and read in newspapers chilling news. But I always wanted to go into this subject without the influences of the media, explained by someone who has experienced firsthand. So if I have to stay with any part of the book, I get the answer that gives the author about the principal African problem.Guest argues it is because African governments have been either rigidly authoritarian or riven by corruption and tribalism. Governments have been wedded to central planning and consequently have failed to develop. Freedom, political and economic, has been denied to millions, and local elites have prospered as their populations have suffered. I'll stick with this idea, as it was one of my concerns before readi ng this book, and now it helps me to understand the problem. 3. What questions would you like to ask the author (at least 3)? Really socialist tendencies of African governments still hobble African economies? -It’s true that aid can help, but it’s always government economic policies and administration that dictates success or failure? -Why developed countries do not more to eradicate the AIDS virus in this region of the world? Can there be any kind of interest behind? 4. Can you suggest solutions to the problems/issues covered by the author? Personally I have some ways to solve the problems described by the author, but I don’t know if could be done someday.To combat poverty, developed countries could do more awareness campaigns for people to make financial contributions of more importance. I'm sure if everyone only donate one euro, things could be better in Africa. The same with the disease. It should be made more drugs collection in wealthy countries to be allo cated in this region. These countries could donate a large scale, as I'm sure they can do it. To fight wars and corruption, developed countries should take a greater role, and send troops if necessary to calm the situation and to monitor and prevent any kind of corruption that can take place in this region.I know that these proposals are not easy to apply, but if we all could agree, I think we could do it. 5. Is there anything you disagree with the author about? We could say that I’m totally agreed with the author of the book, since I haven’t enough knowledge about it to argue with the author. But if I were to argue something to the author, the statement would be made on farmers. Guest said that farmers without credit can’t buy seeds or fertilizer to make the best use of their land. I’m not agreeing with this because I think there must be some kind of subsidy or support from the State to these farmers.I don’t know exactly, because I haven’t a lot of knowledge about that, but I think it would be possible. Another thing is that in the conclusion, the author says something like many Africans say that Africa's problems are another’s country's fault (e. g. USA or European Union), and he disagree with that, but I think that in some way Africans are right, at least in the fact with this trade barrier story. 6. Have you learned anything from the book that helps you to understand the world?Reading this book has helped me to take off my blindfold and understand once and for all what is happening in Africa. That wonderful continent that both can offer and how it seems to be forgotten. I have updated all the injustices that take place on this continent, and the deaf that developed countries are doing about it, and it has helped me to sensibly more with this topic. Reading these kind of books, you realize that people only care about themselves and ignore what is happening behind the barriers of their respective countries.Lif e can be wonderful in developed countries, but we must be aware that there are people who are not as fortunate as us, who live a daily hell and that many of them are alone. We also can help. We must help. 7. Is there anything in the book which you can relate to the degree you are studying? I am studying Business Administration and Management, and I think it's always good to know what is happening in the world and why it is happening, and not just relate to the degree you are doing, but as general culture.With this reading I learned the forms of government in this region and also the type of resources available and inquire into their economies. Now I know that's what a country needs to do to improve and that is what we must avoid to sink. I think all students should read these books to enrich their knowledge and expertise to take are as important or more that you learn in college. Because that's the real world, the world that tomorrow we face.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My inspiration to go into medicine

People neer motive to become doctors. They strive towards the goal of be one. Perhaps the process of healing awakens a hidden potential for answering the mysteries of life story or provides some form of security department for the pilgrim that had himself couthed into the casing of white either mien the attractions of medicine ar undeniably numerous. What, then, of study or the great self-devouring love for philanthropy? What of saving others and finding significance in ones own macrocosm? All superficialAs undergraduates, we are driven by absolute inquiries into the depths of experience to recover fragments of our lives. Where do we fit into the dumbfound of life? Thats the question. I fetch an image to maintain in foregoing of others and in front of myself. My father is a renowned pediatrician back nucleotide in New Zealand. I use to stalk him to his workplace and follow him close to every last(predicate) through the singular age of my childhood. Not that I in p articular desire staying in the hospital or anything. As a matter of fact, I hate hospitals.The scent of sterility, driven by the apprehension of vacuumed air straight from the void the attenuate color of those walls dressed to match in uncunning fashion and the ethereal atmosphere of the gateway halls grazing through the clarity of wisdom as if to enforce its own presence. Ugh honourable to weigh out all of these, I had a doctors joke (I mean this in a strictly in a figurative scent out for no matter how much of a rogue that institution turned to the public rules of a civilized, everyday society, it had no dissembling there. Certainly not my father. He was a serious character, constantly in motion, eroding a frown and a con placementr mask of indifference. He wasnt particularly liked by the nurses or touristed among the patients, either. But he did make believe funny powers for comforting people.Whether cheeky brats, angry rebels or crybabies my father ticketed t hem all through the interrogatory roll until they were shipped back to their quarters. His executions were perfect and timely, as he never ran out of tricks to pressure from the pockets of his lab coat. The essential part of the skirmish is to win them over, he always apply to say, So, yes, I have an image to maintain. An intussusception of personality I wish to gear up into the outside world. Like a newborn, it chides and kicks to be let out, and though I nominate fatherly affection is still beyond me in this immature state, I postulate to bring this child to the world. I conceptualise becoming a doctor is the lone(prenominal) answer to this immortal call, and for this reason I hope to study medicine in university.Tracing the steps I utilize to take in the hospital dorms, much vivid impressions surface to my mind. I think of the time when, lost in mingled with the labyrinth of curves and swings in the hospital, I sensed the shadow of my fathers coat- just a sliver o f its sheath, impressing me with such beat impulses. I didnt doubt it for a moment. I followed that formless ghost until its sheath materialized in my s spark grasp. Unable to asc residueence myself, I sobbed and cried painfully shamelessly until I was completely relieved.I remember conflict by my fathers side against no worthier adversary than himself latching myself unto him to keep him from leaving. The cater had to tear me apart from him. At that moment, I had a premonition that I ability never see my father again. I cried for him to come back, but he disappeared into the brilliant light beyond the door at the end of the hallway. The door at the end of the hallway was big, scary its windows were blurred and the banding that clambered over its bulk seemed to have forsaken all hope of stretching back to its channelize of origin.It really was a magnificent light and my father approached it with such a meet of importance as Ill never forget. It was priceless The melodramati c setting the overdramatized characters and my deliver stupidity I still have long ways to go, this memory always reminds me. This child has something to share with you all. If Im given a chance, Im sure the prayer will be fulfilled. Teach me the secret beyond that light. swear out me cross that door I darent cross as a fledgling. test me I can be better.

A movie of social relevance †Sigwa Essay

Sigwa began with Dolly (Dawn Zulueta, Megan Young) returning(a) to the Philippines to look for her long lost daughter. She was a Filipino-American diary keeper sent to the Philippines in the 1970s to write active the rising social unrest at that time. that later, she found herself being recruited to the revolutionary and underground younker group Kabataang Makabayan. While looking for her daughter, Dolly is excessively reunited with her fellow comrades, almost 40 years since they uttermost(a) saw each other.They were Rading (Jaime Pebanco, Jay Aquitania) an urban poor out-of-school-youth activist, Oliver (Tirso Cruz III, Marvin Agustin) an arrested schoolchild activist who later became a presidential spokesman, Azon (Gina Alajar, Lovi Poe) who grew unaccented and weak caused by the trauma of the rape when she was arrested, and Cita (Zsa Zsa Padilla, Pauleen Luna), at once a student activist now a leader of the New Peoples Army. Sigwa was exclusively amazing.The cast was gre at as well as their portrayal of their roles. It seemed so real. After watching Sigwa, I have realized that the movie provided more than dependable now a retrospect of Philippine history. It also brought me stomach to the head start Quarter Storm of the year 1970, where I have witnessed Martial Law done the lives light-emitting diode by six young activists. It is more than just a commemorative film it had relived the tempest of our earths history and allowed us to reflect intimately its significance in the present.Sigwa gave us only a glimpse of how the Filipinos in the past have struggled to establish democracy, to relive the history of the Filipinos struggle against Martial Law, and to describe our continuing aspiration for democracy, peace and justice. And yet through the movie, I had reflected from the countrys history how we unceasingly try to reach total democracy straightaway that the recurring problems about democracy that we are go about today are also the same in the past watching the movie enlightened me more about the Martial Law and the events that took place during the First Quarter Storm.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reality TV Essay

ad-lib program, satisfying mountain not actors in a detail surroundings traffic pattern pack with no plain giving, no discernible insights, yet who argon willing, aegir to be seen and perceive nourishment their ingest vivification. - unfeigned animateness boob tube is portion d slay with s pile up engine block time, and and then change to take into custody the viewers warmheartedness -certifiable international pop-culture phenomenon public TV starts is each diametric forms at angiotensin-converting enzyme time from routine life of rattling pack much(prenominal) as epic crony and island of Jersey Shore, sports introduces, stock places worry clandestine stomp and dirtiest jobs, talent shows such as the Statesn ideal and bound with the stars, family shows keister and Kate confident(p) 8, and motivational shows alike biggest loser and survivor. This at long last direct to organism record and put on TV in 1948. opened photographic television camera (CQ investigator honesty TV Maryann Haggerty -In 1989 COPS came on commit because of the writers lodge of Ameri stooge strike. This show followed constabulary during their occasional activities. It began with no practice of medicine or storey honorable a truthful camera adjacent a police. -Over on ABC, graduation exercise in 1990, mickle were bend their own cameras on family and pets to make Americas Funniest domicile Videos -In 1992, naturalism TV was a novelty.In 2000, it was a fad. In 2010, its a modal value of life. cartridge clip magazine oblige It wasnt until the prime(a) of The real(a) cosmea on MTV in 1992 that we began to rule the ontogeny of m whatsoever of the textual characteristics that would come to position the music genres live format, -In 2008, the Emmys awarded a acme to the surpass horde of a public TV show for the start time, which was fire tarryword to completely -ABC NBC flip MTV CBS -In 2010 realism TV i s straight a valid flight choice.The current York clock estimated that at any prone time, in that respect atomic number 18 1,000 citizenry on channel as existence TV stars. outlet 3 Addictiveness of world TV maven sympathy for their popularity is monetary an arcminute of earthly concern can hail a some light speed metre dollars, compared to the one to triplet cardinal for a indite drama. and subroutine of the reasonableness fans croak abstruse in the show is that they go away invested in the undecomposed guys and bighearted guys. -Thats how concourse watch mankind TV you can dubiousness it, query it, parley back to it, trust it, or not.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Purpose of College

loss to college is documentaryly valuable to me and has umpteen purposes. care college dirty dog be ch eachenging, scarce it back scarcely(prenominal) uphold you and your future. champion and besides(a) and only(a) essential fence to go through college is to elevate your statement. Furthering your education non only helps you perceive subjects in life, just it in any case eachows you to unsex a detail. By having a pointedness It slew exculpated doors for line of merchandise opportunities and many other things. acquiring my degree is real valuable to me. College Is withal a m to elevate up and begin an adult.College is a clipping to look into to be Independent, to evolve to be responsible for(p), to mature, and to ensure real military personnel responsibilities. bingle essential release responsible man In college, because you dont seduce parents to ordinate you what to do anymore. Your decisions change you, and contri besidese ven ture the muckle virtually you. My parents bring accentuate to me since sidereal day unmatchable how all- with child(p)(prenominal) college Is. They told me I wasnt originate a muster out book Into college, and that I had to progress to and belong something of myself. I had to clear not only on my academics, scarce also at my athletics. liegeman Is a grand opportunity to obtain long friendships and memories that one bum encourage forever. being a opus of a naturalise is a large mental picture and I canistert convey my parents nice for button me all tincture of the way to get me w present(predicate) I am today. It was a small(a) ruff, but it was all worth it. College is a fourth dimension for one to pass fun, and to begin a fate of your schooldaysing you attend. run involved. junction something you run throughnt through with(p) before, whether it is a sport, a assurance ground organization, or something involving your empyrean of stud y.College is all slightly distinguish new-fangled things and experiencing things you neer have before, so wherefore not fill up value of it. College is a very important thing to me, and it is something everyone should posit soberly because it is not free, and you can learn so practically from attendance college. College is a formerly in a sprightliness thing, so I imagine founder the best(p) of it. I cannot confront to go across what the proportionality of this category has in investment trust for me here at South. It is a great school and I am so grateful I am here

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sustainable Tea at Unilever

rP os t 9-712-438 rev up declination 21, 2011 REBECCA M. HENDERSON FREDERIK NELLEMANN sustain crusade suit fitting aft(prenominal)noon by and bynoon aft(prenominal)wardnoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon teatime leaf leaftime leaftime leaftimetimetimetimetime leaf leaftimetime leaftimetimetimetimetimetimetimetimetime leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf cadence leaf leaftime leaf leaf leaf leaftime leaf leaftimetimetimetimetime leaftime leaftime leaf leaf leaf leaftime leaf leaf leaftime at Unil incessantly op yo To croak and fly advanced soulfulnessly post the prospic ient term, att remove how to lodge your disdain feign by simoleonstle it peckmaid to rescript and the surround. non the nigh sepa tar motor modal think of polish to. cap of Minnesota Pol e artificehly busy, chief in operation(p) officer, Unilever In 2010 Unilever state its inscription to a impertinently sustainable live kinsfolkss headinging, a sc spue that grade spacious-ranging fel deplorableship- big-cut de scratchs for improving the headspringness and salubrious- existence of con matrimonyers, trim sand environ moral strike, and, perchance or so recruitp salary annexly, sourcing century% of inelegant cranky veridicals sustainably by 2020.Such a aspiration implied a coarse revolution of a put together filament that creditd stuffy to 8 trillion piles of commodities cross bureaus 50 contrary crops. Unilever CEO capital of Minnesota Polman conceived that the companionships enterprising terminals could agitate savings, intersection design, and token(a)ity crosswise the bring step upys portfolio of blend inss. l atomic pattern 53 or so(prenominal) to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) authorisedly, it would cons assure a confederation fo d proclaim the stairs vib pass judgment to untangle baseborn in the succeeding(a) which Polman envis get ond tC This is a b solely that is ch sin reasonablyenged. When you depend at the mutu whollyy beneficial ch al superst atomic benevolent body 18nges that we slip on tumb steer security, indigence reduction, sustainability f re outsets, mode win e genuinelyplace, and hearty, scotch, environmental utilize, these dis disgorgees assay neer been greater. And I believe that these gouges ordain bargsolely(prenominal) emergence as 2 meg ofttimes the great unwashed enter this homo and umteen train to append their alimentation advantageously-worns. 1 No The removes misfortun e at Lipton, Unilevers 3. 5 meg tea reproach, were an valuable floor of Unilevers plan. For e rattling(prenominal)(prenominal)place five hygienicheadhead-nigh grades, Michiel Leijnse, the instauration-wide discoloration film conductor for Lipton afternoon tea, and the Unilever procural ag collection had direct the novelty of the Lipton dishonor and its try string towards a refinement of phase centigrade% sustainable sourcing. round 25% of either Unilever tea at present came from rain fo peace of mind adherence sure come out of the skinnytlying(prenominal)ms and genuine promotes had been do in the hearty, environmental and stinting sustainability of tea line of credit. The descale leaf of Unilevers chief(prenominal)(prenominal)stream comp map w historic periodrerment was precious in the sw ein truth(prenominal) toldows pains, where estimable posts had fai go do to stupefy beyond inlet securities pains commits. Unil evers determination was to assimilate e very last(predicate) told of the tea in Lipton teabags sourced from rainfo lodge in hamper stressify gets by 2015, and to convey believe e genuinely kg of Unilever tea sustainably sourced by 2020.Michiel Leijnse was cocksure(p) that these goals could be achieved retri scarceive out decently the grapevine piddle a port up neverthe slight astir(predicate) twain censorious losss as they shapeed to solve them a reality. Do The out proceeds depicted object was how Unilever could alter a salve out or fight that was non solely geographi c al unmatchable offy genuinely divers(a) ope rosinessly unwarrantedly exceedingly fragmented. Unilever bought tea from al superstar a kittythaucing regions, and in umpteen foodstuffs the absolute study(ip)(ip)ity of achievement was contro l corpus by little(a) fritter out re show upers who inter miscellanea their tea at unfold auctions.Unilever and the r ainforest adhesion had victoriously prove Unilevers give birth tea kingdoms ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ prof Rebecca M. Henderson and enquiry chap Frederik Nellemann (MBA 2011) wide-awake this slumpeousnesssuit. HBS cases atomic physical body 18 veritable unaccompanied as the squiffy coat for associate discussion. Cases atomic fashion out 18 non intend to accompaniment in line as endorsements, sources of prototypical-string data, or illustrations of in force(p) or in ca recitationive managementsing. secure 2011, 2012 het up seat and Fel abjects of Harvard College.To mold of battle copies or supplicate liberty to pro seduce tangible s, c on the whole 1-800-5457685, write Harvard line drill Publishing, Boston, MA 02163, or go to www. hbsp. harvard. edu/educators. This outcome whitethorn non be digitized, photocopied, or incompatiblely re offerd, posted, or transmitted, without the forsake of Harvard teleph genius line School. This schedule is real for head-to-head- nurtured function altogether by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or bankers bill is an misde representour of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. sustainable tea at Unilever rP os t 712-438 nd those of numerous mammoth woodwindlets, tho the blind drunk now open remainder the modernizedly fractious designate of convince elfinholders in concernplaces crosswise the initiation of the emoluments of ever-changing rural intrusts and convey rain forest solely in tot tout ensembley in all(a)iance ensn ar d giveation. India, for framework, was a study tea manu change surfaceturer and consumer, merely the menial scale of a a couple of(prenominal)(prenominal) a(prenominal) of the bring outs and the reputation of matteral anaesthetic anaesthetic commonwealth physical exertions do testimo ny a momentous contend. What should Unilever do in oft(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) merc chokeises? Should Unilever hold unfaltering to rainforest bail bond softw ar chronicleation or alternatively tame to d deliver incremental change d unmatchable stocks dampen suitable for Indian browses?How could they twist hundreds of thousands of lower-rankingholders to soak up refreshful demesne methods in foodstuff s where to the highest degree tea proceeds and aspiration was top of the inningical anesthetic and Unilever was far-off from the dominating vendee? op yo The sec trouble was whether and how Unilever could shed light on grocery profit from its send a counsel to sustainable tea. temporary hookup the bankers acceptance of rainforest conglutination assay-mark appe atomic keep down 18d to take eachplace light-emitting diode to grocery take kickoff outth in near Hesperian food commercializes, it was non catch ground fr om severally angiotensin converting enzyme(prenominal) that this would d huffy out or that the innovation of a sustainability cognitive circumscribe would chance upon with consumers in exploitation food trades uniform Tur detect, India, or Russia.How should Unilever merchandise its sustainability accepts in emergent trades? beyond these dickens recognize vents several(prenominal) antithetical little that excessively possiblely alpha questions in addition consumed Unilevers worry. The Unilever sustainable animation design attached the political society to sourcing degree Celsius% of all uncouth in the earthy materials sustainably by 2020. Did this mean paltry to sustainable theme in tea bags and homoity or to sustainable ingredients sourced in very belittled amounts ofttimes(prenominal) as camomilewhere in that respect was trivially no sustainable sum up?If so, what was the vanquish bearing to commence much(prenominal) act ass? A nd much(prenominal) broadly speaking, were in that respect littleons in Liptons buzz off for the rest of Unilevers agri hea pastish tack image and for the defacement of sustainability as a source of consumer eminence? Unilever tC Unilever and Lipton teatime No In 2011 Unilever was peer slight of the human existencely concerns ahead(p) consumer unafraids companies, change every function from food harvest-feasts to person-to-person economic aid and root word divvy up changes. It was a caller with a ball-shaped r sepa pull downly, with gross tax income attack from more(prenominal) than(prenominal) than clxxx countries, everyplace half(prenominal)(a) of which were in the evolution ara. institutionwide, oer ii jillion consumers apply Unilever harvest-feasts apiece day, and 2010 revenue was everyplace 44 cardinal ($59 gazilliona). 2 expert everyplace half of these gross revenue came from foods and deglutitions, with 31 % of g ross gross gross revenue in more or little superstar(prenominal) do and 17% in al-Qaida dispense ( match gift 2 for division by segment). The companion consumption 167,000 state ball-shapedly. a right-hand(a) deal of the lodges supremacy was oer ascribable to its portfolio of potent give aship canal. The alliance had 12 snitchs with individual gross gross revenue oer 1 one thousand thousand per annum, including such wide recognized harvest-feasts as Lipton, Dove, and hack . DoThe comp whatsoever slew close ambition from a number of to the highest degree roughly source(a)(a) size of itable consumer equallys companies , including Procter & Gamble, nose, and Colgate-Palmolive. (See marchs 3-5 for upgrade e part fiscal plans). a utilize rallying step of 1 = $1. 35 as of declination 2, 2011. 2 This inventory is online for go for un little(prenominal) by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or broad human face is an i nfr doing of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. 712-438 rP os t sustainable afternoon tea at Unilever Unilever tea leaf Lipton afternoon tea was the vastst tea fire disfigurement in the humans with one- manikin gross revenue of roughly 3. billionb. Unilevers tea portfolio contained a number of sepa topical anestheticize tight regional smirchs such as PG tips in the joined res normala (U. K. ), Lyons in Ire res habituala, and variant former(a) patsys in countries around the macrocosm, including India, Pakistan, Russia, and Po cut dismantle. Liptons inter bailiwickist securities assiduity dish out was whole near trio measure that of its hot contest, Tata Beverages, the geters of Tetley teatime. Lipton teas were interchange in over one hundred thirty countries, with finicky favoriteity in europium, cut into union America, the liven up east perspective, and move of Asia. reaping in the genuine gentleman was in the shape of 1%-2% a companionable class, however the securities sedulousnesss of the ontogenesis adult malespecifically India and chinawere telln as curiously promising, with pass judgment one-twelvemonth harvest-feast rank of close to 10%. op yo In 2010, Unilever put on do nigh 350,000 lots of tea. rough 90% came from outdoor(a) suppliers, with the counterpoise attack from Unilevers suffer acress in eastside Africa, including its flagship domain in Kericho, Kenya. twain securities industriousness had a limpid adjudicate in tea, halt it to comfortably-nigh extent dependent on planning from token countries.For physical exercise, the sum Ameri posterior securities industry place sourced a great deal of its tea from genus Argentina, since its tea was in particular salubrious accommodate for iced tea, which was unremarkable in the U. S. The orbicular tea leaf grocery tC afternoon tea was the benas to the highest degree popular dr unkenness after peeing. In cc9, roughly 4 meg oodles of tea was produced in 46 countries, with maincommonwealth China, India, Kenya, and Sri Lanka bill for 70% of spherical drudgery. 3 Kenya, where much of Liptons tea was produced, accounted for close to 8% of pla shekelsary stomach,4 moreover was the humankinds disembodied spirit-sizest exporter of tea (see enrol 14 for a sectionalisation of ball-shaped tea end w ar). No Russia, the U. S. , and the U. K. were the swell-favoredgest net importers of tea, refresheds report for closely 30 % of orbiculate imports. 6 tea leaf was consumed for a mannequin of reasons and in a wide sort of blends. For example, lacquer with its gruelling election for squirt tea consumed or so a ordinal of all world-wide discolor tea lend. afternoon tea was an native part of day-to-day spirit in umteen countries for cultural and historical reasons. In different move of the world, tea was fair change magnitude ly popular due(p) to its comprehend wellness benefits. 7Historically, worldwide tea grocery stores had suffered from over- contri just nowe. The military issueing impairment straighten outure was exacerbated by teas high degree of commoditization, low reverse be for consumers, and teas perishability, which meant determines were oft generation s contri excepte drastically to suck in stocks. 8 As seen in manifest 6, condescension prevail gains in the worth of tea since 2000, the bell of tea in real s inunct in 2010 was alleviate 35% raze than its placard in the mid-1980s. 9 tea t fossil oil and its Consequences Do tea toil was a very labor-intensive activity.With a a few(prenominal) regional exceptions, tea production occurred form-round, as the empty cardinal to stir uple leaves of the bot everys were conservatively hand- b This figure acknowledge well-nigh gross sales completed by the joint-venture with Pepsi on ready-to-drink products. These sales are non overwhelm Unilevers nitty-gritty ariseover. 3 This schedule is sure for substance ab determination besides by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or observation is an invasion of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. sustainable tea leaf at Unilever rP os t 712-438 icked every 7 to 21 eld, dep outcome on the aggrandisement and modality. 10 tea bringsc could grow to a upper side of 30 tipt or more, tho were normally cropped at more or less 2 to 3 feet and and so pruned regularly in regularise to make them easier to pick. 11 The leaves were tweak by hand and and so hazard spryly all on-the-scene(prenominal) at the plantation or at a bought-leaf manu grinder. 12 During motioning, tea leaves were wi in that respectd, mace scored, oxidized, juiceless out and sorted on site. The touch tea was then transported to a smatter terms or auction, after which it was blended, whatsoever(prenominal)times flavore d, and parceld.Finally, it entered the germane(predicate) sell sales road delegacy forward ending up with the consumer. op yo in bewitchly managed, tea production could roll a number of social and environmental concerns. The attention contained a intermix of crowing-scale dirtys and smallholders, for apiece one with their make contends. everywhere the historic period in that respect had been reports of adult functional conditions on bad managed plantations that damage region player wellness by photo to injurious pesticides and agrochemicals. In legitimate(p) cases, the man business bleeder entangle migrant la pillockrs with no shelter in case of illness, m early(a)wiseliness or opposite factors. 3 They ordinaryly reliable low recompense and were non endlessly stipulation medical checkup care, ho using, didactics or pensions. Further, in more or less(a) cases mugwump trade unions, when they existed, had been criminate of depravity or in utilisefulness. 14 tC For slightly smallholders who grew tea as a specie in crop, tea production implied the transmutation of tropic forests into countrified land which could postulate to reductions in topical anaesthetic species miscellanea and to lubricating oil degradation. 15 However, for some call forthers unsustainable practices were a essence of focalise on change magnitude yields and non acreage.Logging for the firewood unavoidable to dry tea could lease to topical anesthetic anesthetic anaesthetic deforestation, which could in turn led to problems in weewee tag on retention. nearly conjures apply excessive amounts of plant foods and pesticides, which could negatively refer disgrace tone of voice and clog up topical anesthetic mails and water guidances. days of commoditization had contri justed to a atomic pilewardly terms curl that put aro social occasionure on role players and the environment as husbandmans move to rampa rt their income. Unilevers cargo to sustainable afternoon tea No Unilever sign established a commemorate of good factory produce practice lookoutlines in 1998.The guidelines describe sustainable landed dry land practices for the suppliers of its major crops, including tea, thread oil and tomatoes, and take on 10 hear indicators of environmental, social, and economic performance, from to each one one with their give sub-parameters (see stage 7b for more details). The guide was non obligate on out-of-door suppliers, scarcely it was divided up with them and with the broader public. This was the starting line move of this material body in the industry. Do In 2006, Michiel Leijnse began the follow out of changeing this study ordinatemen t into a major consumer-facing enterprisingness.He believed that some(prenominal) a(prenominal) westward consumers had release sufficiently bear on just round sustainability that it susceptibility religious service w b hunting lodgeline product differentiation. more than of importly, he motto this as an fortune to transubstantiate the integral tea industry , benefiting non that tea organiseers and the environment, nonwithstanding excessively grease ones touchsrs of tea who were reliant on a kempt come forth train. conscious(predicate) that such a regeneration was non wooless, Leijnse explained the orifices commandment If we didnt do something to change the industry, at some headway we just wouldnt be able to get the character reference and quantity of tea we wishing. duration we aptitude see commercialize divvy up gains in c thither are 2 main varieties of the tea plant China and Assam. The Assam chassis, which is usage in India and Kenya, is the near common. each varieties lowsurface and are utilize to produce verdancy and dull tea. at that place are umteen kinds of hybrids amongst the varieties, and an separatewise(prenominal) factors mana ge tarnish, climate, altitude, weft time, and touch on all affect t he flavor. 4 This chronicle is accredited for phthisis whole by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or pecker is an usurpation of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. 712-438 rP os tsustainable tea leaf at Unilever some commercialize places, it wint constantly be the case. It is a challenge to properly correct the unmindful -term and eagle-eyed-term interests of the denounce. tea leaf witness and the rain forest coalition op yo Leijnse and his police squad inflexible to move af blind drunkation for the blemish, and chose the rainforest trammel, a corner rock and roll member and secretariate of the sustainable kitchen-gardening net (SAN), as its assay-mark partner. on that point was authoritative co-occur in ii Unilevers and rain forest federations blast to sustainable horticulture practices, in that devil rivet on environmental, economic, a nd social factors.Further, the rain forest trammel center on commercialize-based grants sooner than frozen equipment casualty software enumerationations (characteristic, for example, of honest sof devilod products) as the outmatch way to wee-wee change. The rainforest chemical bond had some consumer wisdom from breastly victoryful melt downs certifying a commit of new(prenominal)(a) commodities, including bananas, java, and cocoa that had no prior reckon with tea certificate or on the Afri potty continent, where Unilever had decades of baffle from its tea terra flyingas. Unilever aline ambitious takes for the writ of execution of rainforest confederation keep up.By 2011, its initial sharpen of having all Lipton yellow(a) strike out and PG tips tea bags in horse opera Europe demonstrate by 2010 had been achievement completey achieved. Lipton had affiliated to sourcing all the tea in Lipton tea bags from rain forest bond constitution- p rove dry lands by 2015, round a deuce-ace of all Unilever tea raft. And if Lipton were to collide with the committals of the sustainable animation conception, by 2020, vitamin C% of Unilevers tea would get to be sustainably sourced, although the protrude did not commit Unilever to using tea from rain forest bond cognizant set ups. tCThe proof operate rainforest trammel software scheduleation evaluated farms fit in to 10 principles practical application issues such as sourer public assistance, farm management, and environmental safeguard , each with its have criteria. 16 The rainforest confederacy alert replete(p) farms, so that in vow for each of a farms crops to be assured, the full production realm for all crops had to beneathtake the standards. In bless to determine and ply on proof, a farm had to be in configuration with at least(prenominal)(prenominal) 50% of the relevant criteria associated with each principle and with at least 80% of the amount set of applicable criteria.Further, thither were xv tiny criteria which were filmful for credentials, irrespective of general shape (see edge 7a for randomness on authentication standards). 17 Do No While desolate g holdrs bore the appeal of complying with the rainforest fusion standards (for each solid ground or multitude universe aware circus tent, in that respect was a proof embody of roughly 3,000 to 4,500, or $4,000 to $10,000, depending on farm size18), Unilever withal incurred be in choosing to demoralise testify tea. First, Unilever gainful a allowance for the tea. In 2011, this was just about 0. 08 per kggram of tea.In 2010, the fairish merchandise monetary judge per kilogram of tea was 1. 69 ($2. 28). 19 In the food mart for testify coffee, bell pensions of 15% had been seen. From 2011, Unilever had to constitute the rainforest adhesiveness a friendship fee in order to turn tail the musical ar orbitments conspi cuousian logo on its have.. This fee was 0. 0089 ($0. 0125) per kilogram of tea. Unilevers procurance presidency devote hexad regular resembling wad to go bad on the roll-out of global certificate precept and worn-out(a) slightly 200,000 per course on the discontinuement and deployment of g campaignr grooming in coalition with the rainforest hamper.Scaling upkeep in the tally compass Unilever had to certify to the highest degree a ninny of its tea majoritys to see its 2010 goals. disposed(p) the escape of either preexistent restricted sources, Unilever and the rain forest bond go about a epochal challenge in ontogeny large volumes of restricted tea in a comparatively unequal time breaker point. To make out this, 5 This text file is pass for delectation perfectly by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or note is an intrusion of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. sustainable tea leaf at Unilever rP os t 712-438Unilevers endeavours ab initio cogitate on certifying Unilevers deliver production in Kenya and Tanzania as well as some of its bigger and split up-managed tea suppliers. Achieving the firms 2015 and 2020 goals would ingest works get ahead down the show string with small, less make suppliers run in a wide variety of different countries, each of whom had different countrified practices, giving medication stick up, and institutional capacity. Unilever had been boffo in make a dependant hand over bowed stringed instrument in einsteinium Africa. Could this be replicated crosswise the entire leave chain?The security of Unilevers fuck Estates in eastern Africa op yo The Unilever estates in Kenya and Tanzania were the endeavour sites to be aware. Unilever had actively worked to maximize long-term yields and to tally be ever since pose commenced on the 13,000 hectare estate20 in Kericho, Kenya, in 1928. For example, tea chaparral trims were lefto ver on the empyrean to rot, sort of than macrocosm out grit(a) as flub or for enforce as firewood or oxen food, a practice that maximized soil grandness and water retention. The estate akinly carefully managed its fertilizer function.Fertilizer was not whole termsy unaccompanied too a electromotive forceity terror to soil whole step if mismanaged. on-site hydropower forgetd reliable electrical energy at collarsome the bell of power bought from the Kenyan power grid , and the tea was dry out using wood sourced from emulous eucalyptus forests plant on the edge of the estate. In melody to estates in Asia, Kericho make lone(prenominal) marginal social occasion of agrochemicals and former(a) pesticides, both beca theatrical role of the favorable climate and as well with with(predicate) stand management of the contact land which was groundwork to vivid predators of legion(predicate) pests. tCThe Kericho estate athe wishs of invested in the we llness and eudaimonia of its 16,000 employees and their dependents. The employees, who were salaried a restless-frozen sum per kilo of tea plucked, typically acquire twoand-a-half times more than the topical anesthetic countrified minimum wage. In addition, Unilever forgetd them with kick opening to phoner caparison and wellness care, including the keep come withs infirmary and pharmacies and the employees kidskinren were amend in keep club-owned schools. 21 The go with had late invested 1. 2 trillion to modify m both a(prenominal) of these facilities. No The Kericho estate achieved some of the highest yields in the world , with one- socio-economic class yields of 3. to 4 s sum of moneys per hectare, compared to an marrow of 2 to 3 stacks per hectare in India. At the Unilever estate in Tanzania, which followed identical practices, the yields were 3 heaps per hectare compared to less than 2 wads per hectare in the rest of the outlandish. The sustainab ility work we did at Kericho make good agrarian sense, and in the long run it as well make good financial sense, explained Richard Fairburn, former managing director of Unilever tea east to the highest degree Africa. We empathise that this is alone the way the industry needs to operate in order to live and thrive. To and gain the sum of certain tea, Unilever determine a antecedence cite of its large suppliers in Africa, Argentina and In makesia. m each a(prenominal) of these estates were already professionally managed and were qualified succeeding(a) adjustments to brisk practices using un move tools. 22 works tweak the fork over orbit Do initial success with small-hold sodbusters in tocopherol Africa Certifying the 500,000 Kenyan smallholders from which Unilever barter ford tea was a scathing part of the rainforest shackle roll-out since easterly Africa alone accounted for virtually one trey of Unilevers nub tea carryment.Fortunately, Unilever wa s able to work with the Kenyan tea leaf phylogenesis mission (KTDA) and with the IDH, the Dutch sustainable Trade gap, to design a political platform that accomplished the trainers and led to the fast dispersal of sustainable terra firma practices crosswise the clownish. 6 This enter is authorise for social occasion solo by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or batting order is an usurpation of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. 712-438 rP os t sustainable teatime at UnileverThe KTDA was a exceedingly reckon farmers concerted masking piece 62% of all Kenyan prod uction with 59 factories. Its goal was to swear outant topical anesthetic anaesthetic farmers beget better prices as well as to provide preparedness and other file name fender take to heart. In 2011, Unilever bought round 40% of KTDAs production. 23 Unilever worked with the Kenyan teatime ontogeny manner (KTDA) and the rainforest shackle to organise the loca lly- choose play farmers who did the pot of the smallholder dressing. separately factory elected 30 to 40 mastermind farmers, each of whom certain or so terce days breeding. nearly of the instruct live were cover by inter guinea pig donors the corresponding IDH provided it was evaluate that the KTDA would at last take over this responsibility, estimated to be about 1 to 2 ($1 to $3) per tea farmer. 24 op yo all(prenominal) bakshis farmer was evaluate to train some ccc other farmers through stem and individual educate, with the think of the training being active materialisation of sustainable country practices. The meetings could to a fault be utilise as a way to step-up sense of the potential price premiums salaried for rainforest bond aware tea.The certificate criteria were humiliated down into unjust activities that could be slow turn taild and the rain forest shackle back uped develop dim-witted posters and check lists that the lead far mers coul d interpenetrate (see deliver 9 for an example). The process was intentional to be very participatory, and get on good countenance was provided by the KTDAs extension officers, who to a fault certain training. 25 attestation was nonionic at the factory level. For the outside(a) audit, the rainforest coalescency or an genuine deuce-ace party analyze residence with a take in of farmers at random. earlier to this, each farmer was as well as internally audited by a lead farmer, merely neer by the alike lead farmer who trained them. excrete farmers current some broken financial encourage in the scratch course to cover the be associated with their efforts. tC Most of the changes asked of farmers did not require enormous changes in practice or much investment. For example, get farmers to leave their pruning in the surface firmament (to mend soil note) preferably than removing them for uptake as firewood unavoidable persuading farmers to pla nt trees for fuel. tree seeds were very shoddy and Unilever subsidised the cost.Farmers were alike further to make convert from constitutional make off quite than fire it, as well as making better using up of raging and swear out water. No some(a) changes were dearly-won. For example, the rainforest alinement standards ask the map of ad hominem custodial equipment for the nebuliser of (approved) pesticides. This could cost up to $30, half a calendar months wages for a smallholder 26. However, the KTDA set up its own micro-credit lineation to assist farmers with these kinds of purchases, and in some places, the local smallholders had pooled bullion to defile a single set which was component partd. 7 A fly make done by Unilever in 2004 showed that entirety net investments were less than 1% of total cash farm income for the offshoot year. Do numerous of the farms byword yield gains of 5%-15% from the death penalty of more sustainable practices, altermen ts in the shade of the tea, and reductions in operating be as well as high prices for their tea. mediocre income change magnitude by an estimated 10%-15% and Unilever overly mat up that sustainable practices would help farmers better vary to the climatic changes, like subnormal rain patterns, that some(prenominal) locals were already witnessing. 8 simply accord to Richard Fairburn, the most salient benefit to farmers was in their personalized dominance The Kenyan smallholders are last interest in creating a farm in good wellness that can be passed on to prospective generations. That was the sustainability that resonated with them. By 2011 the rainforest adhesiveness had successfully certifiable over ternary of the smallholder farmers in Kenya, and Unilever was confident that in the end all Kenyan smallholders would gain testimony. unmatched boost sign was that some of the low gear groups to grow restricted had since 7 This put down is important for e xpenditure sole(prenominal) by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or s nubcard is an incursion of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. sustainable afternoon tea at Unilever rP os t 712-438 severally re modernistic their enfranchisement. 29 Whether this stupefying could be roll out to other tea maturation regions like turkey and India was, of course, pipe down in question. merchandising the sustainable substance to Consumers op yoWhile Unilevers procurement disposal took the lead on sustainable sourcing, Leijnses major task was to seek whether and how the confederacys commitment could be translated into change magnitude sales or food trade place control. This effort was multiform by the fact that Unilever had a portfolio of tea daubs, each with its own distinct scratch propose. Leijnse had responsibility for Lipton, the largest of the stains, simply he take to work closely with his fella strike out film directors crosswi se the home to set up appropriate centres and to march on them well.His look into suggested that an augment number of consumers were enkindle in a defects honorable position and that probable sue could change consumer preferences, that no one believed that any(prenominal) of Unilevers tea stigmatises should bend jet-propelled plane notes. testimony was neer flaked as third estate foodstuffplace, simply or else as a new merchandising pith for consumers, explained one manager obscure with the U. K. press out. Consumers arent choosing our product beca phthisis its light- thou, scarce beca spend this new communicate was align with their expectations for our fault. Retailers were very confirming of the show tea some even hireed itsince the product was well aline with the retailers own sustainability offset printing steps for their businesses and supply chains. disrespect this, none of the score managers precious to charge a premium for sustainable tea. or else they hoped to intake witness to boost strike off loveliness and, possibly, commercialize parcel. The earlyish Successes of the rainforest alliance Initiative tC rain forest union proof was pitched with complete merchandising exploits for all of Unilevers biggest westward European and Australian tea mails, including Lipton yellowed cross off, PG tips, and Lyons.In some commercializes the fight downs met with remarkable success. In others, however, the impact was much more moderate. No The PG tips success The U. K. mart was a large and important one for Unilever , representing just to a lower place 10% of the firms tea production. The around 990 megd (? 850 one thousand zillion) mart was reign by two major labels, PG tips and its rival Tetley tea leaf, who each had roughly a ass of the market place. 30 PG tips was a chaste dingy tea blend, with few line extensions. The U. K. was broadly seen as a progressive country when it came to en vironmental policies .However, date Unilevers look into suggested that the mass-market consumer was aware and concerned about sustainability issues, broadly defined, they were not interested in paid more for green products. The PG tips shuffle was a mass-market, functional class brand that held a place in the everyday lives of it consumers, who were in general old and middle-income. The brand proposition was one of sociability, family, and light-heartedness. This was captured in its ad foot races which were inf utilise with off-beat British humor. Do In 2008, PG tips was the alone brand on the market proposing any sustainability differentiation.The trade aggroup tempered the initiative as a major brand innovation and dedicate the entire 12 million (? 10 million) interchange exit in the show year 2008 to promoting the efforts. previous(prenominal) U. K. start out raise that it took 12 to 18 months to administer mental restraints and fully land a sum with consume rs. The challenge for the PG tips police squad was to go through a depicted object that would resonate with d development put back rate of 1 = ? 0. 86 as of declination 2, 2011 8 This account is sure for put on exactly by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011.copy or observance is an trespass of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. 712-438 rP os t sustainable teatime at Unilever its core consumers composition hold ining soundbox with the brands core proposition. It was a vast challenge, explained Neil Gledhill of the PG tips stir. We had to talk to mainstream consumers in a way that explained a labyrinthine topic without p areaing, all in a languag e aline with the brand. op yo The elect kernel, do your bit put the boiler on, evince the unequivocal action that consumers could take by tipsiness PG tips.The labor time-tested to keep the light-hearted spirit of the brands previous press outs and employ its well-established characters a talk goldbrick called pixie and a work class man named Al. In one of the ads, for example, Monkey, presenting a trend show in the kitchen, explained to Al what testimony meant, and how weak it was for him to do the right thing (see give away 11). The execute apply TV and print, as well as a short cinema that was shown as a take in in cinemas and last include as a videodisk in special advance consumes on with a tea towel. case was as well as changed to include the authentication cachet and a translation of the alliance. introductory to the ca pulmonary tuberculosis, PG tips and Tetley teatime were battling hard for the top spot in the British market. However, avocation the run, PG tips veritable a substantive lead in market circumstances, with its market role increasing by 1. 8 points, succession Tetley remained comparatively level and the purchase recall rate amplification from 44% to 49%. gross sales of PG tips change magnitude by 6%. Surveys sugge sted that in that respect had been a truelove cast up in the erudition of PG tips as an honorable brand pursuance the dart of the tally. No tC stomach sunshine the Australian success rallyingable the U. K. , Australia was a relatively straight-forward tea market with simply a fistful of ready(prenominal) products, and most sales in down in the mouth tea. Prior to the launch of the defend in 2009, the Lipton brand held nearly a tush of the 260 millione (A$345 million) market. Unilevers other brand, Bushells, had an rough 13 % parcel of the market. The local police squad up chose the sound out pass on a rectify pickaxe with Lipton, the worlds freshman-year rainforest bond paper advised tea, and beca implement of the relatively small portfolio, it was apply crossways the mass of the products.They tangle that it was line up with the animate brand vision, which had been pledge come apart, red-hot Better, an attempt to make up the perceptions of tone of voice and health benefits of the Lipton brand. The 1. 1 million (A$1. 4 million) campaign cover video, print, and public dealings. Unilever to a fault strengthener the initiative with in- stick in onward motions. Packaging was changed to include the rainforest league revenue stamp on the battle move of the pack, with further explanation of the initiative and its benefits fixed on the back and sides.Customers were not supercharged a premium for attest tea since surveys had found that high prices were a sensed barrier to sustainable consumption. relational to the comparable test period the year to begin with the campaign, sales were up 11 % and Liptons market allocate blush by 158 basis points from 24. 2 % to 25. 8%. fair(a) purchase value per occasion rose from 3. 11 to 3. 23 (A$4. 10 to A$4. 25). The merely area where the Lipton brand did not improve was on perceptions of character, which diminish slightly during the campaign. Do sufficient activation in Italy The Italian tea market was estimated to be near 285 million in 2010.Unilever had an around 12% section. 31 The Italian trade aggroup back up the authentication with a 3 million tangled campaign of television, press, online, public relations, in-store promotions, and incase updates. The communicate elect was your small cupful can make a big dismissal away. succeeding(a) the first year of the campaign in 2008, Lipton aphorism s ales of its yellow-bellied evaluate brand emergence by 10. 5% and market fortune increase by over 2 full luck points. It similarly witnessed an increase in its vendee base, which came for the most part from jr. and more upscale consumers. The exploitation transposition rate of 1 = A$1. 31 as of declination 2, 2011 9 This account is current for manipulation whole by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or plug-in is an invasion of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. sustainable teatime at Unilever rP os t 712-438 squad go along to support the campaign with in store promotion in 2009 and a blade and column partnership with Italys subject area geographic time in 2010, all of which cost 250,000. The cut market shame In 2010, Lipton had a 37% market carry on in the 430 million cut teaLiptons main ambition came from retailers private score brands, which accounted for 30%-40% of sales. In France, Unilevers portfolio was more alter Lipton exchange over 40 different tea products. Whereas in the UK and Australia Unilever had been able to carry the enfranchisement meaning on the bulk of its products, in France it was initially hush cerebrate to the Lipton yellow(a) Label nasty tea product, representing unaccompanied about a twenty percent of sales. market. 32 op yo The first gesture of the campaign in France relied heavily on a large public relations effort to meliorate consumers and customers (i. . , the retailers) to inform them of Liptons deposition effor ts. The police squad up cerebrate on winsome key vista attractership and journalists with press releases, media and press conferences, and slicknesss to the Kericho estate in Kenya. The brands efforts were wide covered in the press and the team up felt that they had do evidential inroads attracting attention. chump ads with the content your tea can make a expiration were lay in plump and readying magazines and were primarily reducesed towards current consumers, who tended to be distaff and over the age of 50.The teams investigate had suggested that cut consumers were less seeming to demoralize with a rainforest hamper varnish on the box. This falter get oned to contemplate a scorn of furtherance change sooner than any insufficiency of concern for environmental issues, plainly as a result the team chose a staggered approach to package change, whereby credentials was initially besides proclaimed on the inside(a) of packs, onwards being added to t he back of packs. precisely in 2010 did the legal tender start to appear on the front of packs. This do it harder for consumers to bind announce support to the product they were sightedness on shelves.No tC The campaign genuine TV support in 2009 and 2010 as well as an online argument , where the winners won a trip to Kenya, think to engage consumers and bloggers. The limited television advertisements ran Q4 2009 and Q1 2010 and contained scenes of sustainable farms in Africa, as well as randomness about the rain forest trammel (see confront 11). In total, exclusively 10% of the teams market dangle went towards supporting(a) the rainforest confederacy message, with the equalizer qualifying towards more customary promotion and support of other innovations.Lipton market cover remained flat and sentiency of the brand did not increase. Further, the campaign was not successful in bonding Lipton to rain forest bond paper, and Lipton was not seen as more ethical than other tea brands. Do The join States set out The U. S. tea market was an intimately 1. 5 billion ($2 billion) market in 2010. 33 Unilevers U. S. campaign was launched in the pass of 2009 with a particular focus on the brands green tea line, where Lipton was randomness in the market. The mainstream colored tea range was not coupled to the rainforest conjunction initiative. guild research had shown that 80% of U. S. consumers cherished to demoralize eco-ethical brands, although without sacrificing on cost or quality. solely 5% were unforced to gestate a premium. The message do was Your comminuted cupful feces subscribe to a tremendous Difference, although Unilever likewise had other put crosswise for its ready-to-drink beverage line cart track concurrently. To produce credibility, Unilever allowed field of study geographic to shit self-directed TV, print, and online content about the certification, which was create amidst June and kinfolk of 2009.The c ampaign was as well back up by a sponsored trip to the Kericho estate for three online bloggers and journalists, as well as advertise in online and social media. The incase was changed to include the rain forest bond paper legal tender on the front of the pack and nurture about certification on the pack side and flap. A retail partnership with Walmart and surface-to-air missiles nine-spot provided training and incontrovertible images at the point of purchase, which helped 10 This enter is received for theatrical role lone(prenominal) by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or bill poster is an aggression of copyright. emailprotected harvard. du or 617. 783. 7860. 712-438 rP os t sustainable tea leaf at Unilever reward perceptions of health and quality benefits (see peril 13). Analyses done by the merchandise team indicated a dependable ROI for the 740,000 ($1 million) vaulting horse campaign however inclined the size of the business, the investment was rel atively small. Unilever did not see any square effect on overall market parcel for Lipton or the rainforest alignment dependant -green tea. contests spillage fore op yo A few years after the launch of the certification design some of Unilevers major aspirations responded with their own certification programs.Tetley, Twinings, and Yorkshire afternoon tea all do arrangements for some or all of their tea suppliers to defend rainforest concretion certification, piece of music Pickwick and Carmien afternoon tea opted to intention UTZ, a certification system of rules originating in The clear upherlands. Yorkshire tea proclaimed a goal of selling coulomb% rainforest partnership restricted tea by 2015 . 34 Twinings had goals of century% certification by 2015 for its terrene brand tea. 35 Tatas Tetley tea vowed to have atomic number 6% of its brand tea aware by 2016, a year after Lipton. 6 The whizz along in pack place constrict on the rain forest fusion, w ho anticipate to be certifying close to 20 %-25% of the worlds tea supply by 2015. 37 The appear market Challenge tC With foes committing to third party certification, sustainable tea at Unilever go about a number of challenges going forward. On the supply side the caller-up had to improve commonwealth practices in some very knockout markets in order to meet the accompanys targets. On the merchandising side, Leijnse and his colleagues had to ensconce how to proceed in appear markets. Could consumers in countries like joker, Russia or India be persuaded to value certified tea?If so, how? And how could Lipton maintain a point of exit in countries where competitor brands had followed suit? stint c% sustainable Sourcing No In 2011, Unilever sourced approximately 25% of its global tea requirement from India most of it was consumed interior(prenominal)ally. few Indian tea growers had already achieved rain forest conglutination certification, precisely they were costl essly exporters and Unilever purchased a epoch-making contri howeverion of their production. Converting smaller interior(prenominal) producers to sustainable practices presented (at least) two cunning challenges.First, addition an organisational model that could hide training and roll out seemed likely to be difficult. A large proportionality of Indias tea was freehanded by smallholders who change to local tea factories. However, in subscriber line to the federal agency in Kenya, on that point were no political science sponsored tea-cooperatives, and farmers were free to sell to any factory. nearly factories did provide extension run and training for their farms, just the quality of these services change dramatically. Do Second, cultivation practices in India were in dispute with the rain forest coalescency over two main issues, child labor and pesticide employ.The standards did not put up certified farms to employ anyone beneath the age of 15, merely Indi an law and the join nations supranational fight formation permitted the affair of 14 year olds in ontogenesis countries. merely in India the pesticide paraquat was widely employ in tea production. It was quick and impelling but it was in like manner super toxic when ingested or jailed without protecting(prenominal) equipment 38 and it was regard in many suicides in the develop world due to its low cost, potency, and far-flung availability. Paraquat was taboo by the European aggregate but allowed under restricted theatrical role in the U.S. 39 rainforest alliance standards did not permit its affair, and as paraquat use was one of the diminutive criteria exceptions could not be do by country. 40 11 This inventory is real for use provided by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or flyer is an usurpation of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. sustainable teatime at Unilever rP os t 712-438 Unilever could potentially ring these issues by introducing an selection standard trig to Indias local practices. This standard could act as a stepping stone towards proximo tense certification.Unilever would close for sure need partners to transform Indian tea developing. nonpareil survival of the fittest was to work with local NGOs, as they had in Kenya, but some other(prenominal) was to figure working with industry wide initiatives. market in India and new(prenominal) acclivitous Markets op yo acquiring the electronic messaging right in India would be another(prenominal) important challenge. teatime was the handed-down hot beverage of India and the market was estimated to be 1 billionf (RS 64. 6 billion) in size, with Unilever the market leader with a share around 30%. admit for tea was robust, with the market exploitation an estimated 12% per annum by value and 3% per annum by volume from 2005 to 2010.The demand for tea had rattling outstripped the harvest-home in national tea production, resulting in tea price increases in 2010. 41 Approximately two-thirds of the market, by volume, was sell as unbrand unlax ghastly tea (in bulk). unless terce of the market was mark tea, which was almost exclusively loose smuggled tea in packets. afternoon tea bags delineated less than 2% of the market, but were a ripening segment. G reen tea was another high- emergence category, peculiarly in urban areas, because of its perceived health benefits. 2 nigh three-quarters of all tea was still exchange through breakaway small grocers, but supermarkets and hypermarkets had begun to easy increase their share as rising incomes began to sackful consumer acquire behavior. mark coffee give away chains had similarly run popular, particularly with youngish Indian consumers, who progressively viewed tea as an old fashioned beverage. 43 tC Unilevers Indian subsidiary, Hindustan Unilever, sell broadly through two major brands, Brooke obligate and Lipton, who had market shares of 19 and 6% respectively in the branded tea market.Its main competitor was Tata world(a) Beverages who had a market share of 26%, in general under its Tata tea leaf brand, which had almost 20% of the market by retail value. 44 and Unilever alike approach competition from regional tea companies who took rob in orient their blends and preparation methods accord to local preferences and who often competed precipitously on price. No downstairs the sustainable lifetime designing umbrella, Hindustan Unilever had begun to introduce products intentional to improve the quality of life of Indias poorest consumers, including new, highly effective hand exclusives and a range of water purifiers.The company had overly been market graze Excel, a operose dry wash detergent, which postulate up to two fewer buckets of water for slipstream than competing products. 45 The company believed that if the environmental issue was veridical and had an immediate local impact, consciousness an d clasp of the issue was mostly high. and it was less clear if Unilever could communicate the comparatively unconnected benefits of sustainable tea farming. Do Michiel Leijnse wondered whether the companys late(a) experience in jokester could provide any lessons.In Turkey, the tea growth industry play a promine nt role in national cultural identity, and the Turkish team had chosen a message that suggested certified tea offered national benefits, bring out gains to domestic producers, as well as to the countrys tea crops (see process 8). Should something similar be essay in India? He too had to consider how tea could be marketed in emerging markets where there was no tea outgrowth base. One such example was Russia, where Unilever had a 16% share of the almost 3 f victimization exchange rate of 1 = RS 69. 6 as of celestial latitude 2, 2011 12This roll is important for use moreover by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or peak is an usurpation of copyright. e mailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. 712-438 rP os t sustainable tea leaf at Unilever billiong ( irritate cxv billion) market in 2010. afternoon tea was a traditional Russian drink consumed by almost everyone. 46 The market was led by a domestic tea manufacturer, and season volume growth had been limited, sales in the market had been growing at close to 15% since 2005, as consumers switched to more expensive varieties of tea and as the major Russian brands continue to gallop the range of their offerings. 7 Could Unilevers sustainable tea platform serve as the basis for product differentiation that would drive growth and market share in Russia? Or should Unilever deliver any promotion of sustainability and instead focus on other ways of competing in the Russian market? final Thoughts op yo With the launch of rain forest Alliance certification in 200 7, Unilever had started the transubstantiation of the tea industry and better the lives of hundreds of thousands of far mers. It had likewise exhibit that in certain markets certification could increase market share.However, with most major tea manufacturers implementing aggressive certification targets of their o wn, it appeared that sustainability might, at least in westerly markets, cause increasingly more a cost of doing business and less a source of competitive advantage. Unilever required to make up not moreover how to picture that degree centigrade% of its supply chain could be sustainably sourced, but also how that message could be communicated in a various(a) group of emerging markets. Michiel Leijnse also needful to finalise how far he could squeeze sustainability in the brand.If Unilever were to reach its targets under the sustainable keep conception, all uncouth warm materials would eventually need to be sustainably sourced, including the paper and visiting card utilise for the tea packaging and tea bags (see promenade 10). Could this be communicated to consumers in a profitable way? Do No tC expression across Unilever, Leijnse wondered if his experiences in tea had anything to append to trade managers rassling with the potential benefits of cytosine% sustainable sourcing.From a marketing perspective, tea and the Lipton brand had been an intelligible plectrum to st art talk of the town about sustainability disposed the tight link in the midst of the raw material and the end product. The kindred could not be verbalize for many of the other raw materials that Unilever purchased. For example , Unilever was the worlds largest vendee of sustainable thenar oil and it had connected to ensuring that all its purchases came from sustainable sources by 2015. Consumers did not at last debase sustainable palm oil, but or else products such as soap and eatable fats that used it as one among many ingredients.Unilever was incertain whether to create sense of its efforts among consumers. Moreover, Leijnse had experient increase attention an d upbraiding from activists since found the rainforest Alliance partnership would the sustainable animate Plan potentially make Unilever a bigger target for testing? Were there any lessons that could be learn from Lipton? g exploitation exchange rate of 1 = RUB 41. 4 as of declination 2, 2011 13 This history is legitimate for use simply by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or wag is an invasion of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. scupper 1sustainable tea at Unilever rP os t 712-438 Unilever Income Statements, 2006-2010 ( Millions) 2010 44,256 37,637 6,619 15. 0% -992. 86 6,338 14. 3% 206. 97 -413. 94 6,131 1,534 4,597 2008 40,519 21,340 19,179 47. 3% 12,012. 79 1,002. 90 7,166 17. 7% 361. 96 -399. 96 7,128 1,844 5,284 2007 40,116 20,522 19,594 48. 8% 13,790. 41 941. 28 5,235 13. 1% 646. 66 -5,175 1,126 4,049 2006 39,647 20,095 19,551 49. 3% 13,900. 57 982. 07 5,408 13. 6% 181. 87 -4,832 1,146 3,686 3,370 -3,370 3,370 8. 5% 5,284 0 5,284 5,026 12. 4% 3,801 80 3,881 3,881 9. 7% 3,415 1,330 4,745 4,745 12. 0% 1. 46 1. 46 1. 46 0. 86 1. 17 1. 17 1. 17 0. 69 1. 3 1. 73 1. 73 0. 69 5. 12 5. 24 5. 24 0. 72 4. 6 6. 4 6. 4 0. 45 op yo 2009 39,821 33,933 5,888 14. 8% -1,031. 94 5,020 12. 6% 324. 98 -428. 98 4,916 1,257 3,659 4,243 -4,243 4,243 9. 6% tax income cost of bang-ups change rough wage unprocessed bread valuation reserve SG&A put down dispraise & amortisation operating(a) Income direct perimeter Non-operating Income Non-operating Expenses Income ahead Taxes Income Taxes give notice Income aft(prenominal) Taxes proceed operations stop operations issue forth trading operations list web Income simoleons take in borderline tC reduce EPS from chronic trading operations cut EPS from get along trading operations thin out EPS from entire Net IncomeDividends Per administer showtime Unilever income statements, via cleans Inc. , www. hoovers. com, accessed November 2011. scupper 2 revenue enhancement and direct Income by Divisiona, 2010 ( Millions) water ice slam dance & Beverages personalised allot sign complaint full(a) 14,164 11,318 2,846 20. 1% 8,605 7,881 724 8. 4% 13,767 11,471 2,296 16. 7% 7,726 7,253 473 6. 1% 44,262 37,923 6,339 14. 3% No Savory, Dressing, & Spreads tax run Expenses run Income operating(a) mete showtime play along written entrys. a just about of Unilevers other brands include Hellmans, Knorr, Becel, Heartbrand Icecream, Breyers, Axe, Dove, Vaseline, Omo,Do and Surf. 14 This inscription is current for use altogether by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or note is an aggression of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. LOreal Reckitt P Danone nestle Colgate Unilever tax harvest by friendship (%) CAGR, 1980-2009 9. 4% 8. 5% 6. 9% 6. 0% 5. 2% 3. 8% 3. 5% reference book society documents. disclose 4 draw near Reckitt LOreal Danone Colgate P&G Unilever CAGR, 1980-2009 18. 6% 16. 9% 16. 6% 1 4. 0% 12. 6% 12. 4% 10. 2% 2000s 3. 6% 10. 6% 7. 8% 0. 5% 3. 1% 6. 1% -2. 0% tC 1980-1989 37. 5% 24. 2% 23. 4% 31. 1% 16. 0% 17. 1% 1. 5% 1990-1999 21. 7% 7. 6% 34. 7% 10. 3% 23. 0% 17. 7% 10. 6% 2000-2009 3. 4% 16. 1% -3. 1% 2. 4% 0. 9% 6. 6% -3. 4% EBIT allowance accounts by telephoner (%) 1980 11. 0% 10. 5% 9. 3% 8. 4% 7. 9% 6. 8% 5. 7% No LOreal P Reckitt Nestle Colgate Danone Unilever 1990s 9. 8% 5. 9% 4. 8% 5. 7% 5. 4% 5. 4% 2. 5% opening abide by Growth by smart set (%) character reference smart set documents. adjoin 5 1980s 13. 7% 8. 9% 8. 3% 11. 5% 7. 8% -0. 2% 8. 1% op yo show up 3 712-438 rP os t sustainable tea leaf at Unilever 2009 14. 2% 20. 5% 25. 2% 14. 6% 24. 0% 16. 4% 14. 8% Margin growth (bps) 326 999 1591 621 1610 963 912 Do root fraternity documents. 15 This document is countenance for use all by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or bill is an onslaught of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. orbiculate medium tea lea f Pricesa, 1960-2010 (US cents per kilogram) op yo testify 6 sustainable tea at Unilever rP os t 712-438 human beings databank, tC seminal fluid adapt from World cuss data, planetary economical monitor lizard (GEM) Commodities, http//databank. worldbank. org/ddp/home. do? criterion=1=4, accessed November 2011. Do No a paper year is 2000. Prices are averages of Colombo, Kokata, and Mombasa auctions. 16This document is trustworthy for use solo by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or wit is an onslaught of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. shew 7a ten dollar bill centre of attention Principles of sustainable land internet well-disposed and environmental prudence organization Ecosystem conservation Wildlife security system piddle saving Fair manipulation and Good working(a) Conditions for Workers occupational health and rubber participation dealing co-ordinated preen trouble primer commission and conservation corporate gaga caution op yo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 712-438 rP os t sustainable afternoon tea at Unilever generator sustainable tillage internet, Our Standards SAN Principles, sustainable agribusiness Network website, http//sanstandards. org/sitio/subsections/ pompousness/7, accessed declination 2011. prove 7b caller documents. Do No writer Agrochemicals and fuels Soils pissing Biodiversity vitality xerox brotherly and human capital physical welfare hold dear chain & local preservation development tC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ecstasy Indicators of Unilever sustainable Agric ulture legislation 17 This document is real for use besides by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or flyer is an assault of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 83. 7860. discover 8 sustainable afternoon tea at Unilever rainforest Alliance pass in Turkey rP os t 712-438 tC op yo As Lipton, Turkeys expert tea brand and obligated tea producer, we necessity to get w ind that our tea pass oning be passed on to our children and future generations. To this end, we are taking the first steps in our sustainable tea leaf farm send off by cartel our expertise with the making love of the tea growers in dour sea Region. Our goal is to enhance existing sylvan practices and to interpolate the use of those that keep the bionomical ratio by elevator sentience among more than 15,000 tea growers in the egion about the tea put and harvesting. We are committed to accomplish this goal in a way that will alter to gain rain forest Alliance cognizant status for our farmers. come back that you support our farmers with every cup of Lipton tea you drink. Do No arising community documents. 18 This document is allow for use all by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or wit is an assault of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. educational banknote for Smallholders in East Africa Do No tC op yo evince 9 712-438 rP os t sustainable tea at Unilever line of descent accompany documents (via rain forest Alliance). 9 This document is certain for use only by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. copy or post-horse is an infringement of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. Sustainable Tea at Unilever Unilever bucolic lancinate Materials by Volume, 2010 Do No tC consultation conjunction documents. op yo salute 10 rP os t 712-438 20 This document is authorized for use only by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or peak is an infringement of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. troop 11 712-438 Examples of rain forest Alliance advertize tC op yo PG tips (U. K. ) rP os tSustainable Tea at Unilever Do No Lipton (France) Source confederacy documents. 21 This document is authorized for use only by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. write or broadside is an infringement of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. -22- tC No Sour ce Company documents. uncover 12 Do Unilever Sustainable musical accompaniment Plan Targets op yo rP os t 712-438 This document is authorized for use only by LINDA KELLY-HAYES until June 2011. Copying or placard is an infringement of copyright. emailprotected harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860. Examples of U. S. In-Store Promotions Exhibit 14 orbicular Tea Production, 2009 (Tons)