Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Character of the Female Gender, as Related in The Glass Menagerie Essay

The Character of the Female Gender, as Related in The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams - Essay Example The Wingfield's fire escape takes on the symbolism of one of the main themes of the play, escape. Amanda is a brave but dominant woman, trapped in the past and her youth as a Southern Belle. Laura is trapped by her shyness, fragile sensitivity and disability, her 'reality' centering around her glass collection and old records. Tom is a poet, trapped by a boring job in a shoe factory, and the responsibility of providing for his mother and sister. The other themes explored include illusion, failure and disappointment. Nobody really wins, no dreams come true. Summary of Marxist Analysis: Marxist socialism seeks a classless society where everyone is equal, or has equality of opportunity. Tom Wingfield reflects Williams' circumstances, through which he became socially aware, being surrounded by the poor, the low-paid workers, the unemployed, bohemian writers, poets, artists and radical activists. In Glass Menagerie, when setting Scene One for us, describing the location, Williams displays his socialist, Marxist beliefs, or at the least, his sympathy towards that philosophy. He says: Note how he has told us of the class level involved, and the emotive use of the words 'fundamentally enslaved' in connection with the family and its living conditions. In this respect, he is showing us his disgust that people should have to live this way, and subscribing to the Marxist ideal. Again, there is a connection to socialist values when he has Tom pay his dues to the Union of Merchant Seamen, rather than the electric bill - thus highlighting a belief in the unions and socialism, as opposed to capitalism. In speaking about the impending war, Williams puts into the mouth of Tim Wingfield, some further indication of the belief that people are not getting what they are entitled to out of life. Tom: "Hollywood characters are supposed to have all the adventures for everybody in America, while everybody in America sits in a darkened room and watches them have them! Yes, until there's a war. That's when adventure becomes available to the masses!....Then the people in the dark room come out of the dark room to have some adventure themselves-...." (Williams, 1936, Scene Six, p. 282) In using the word 'masses' the playwright makes us recall that this terminology is frequently associated with Marxism. As for coming out of the dark, it is symbolic, not just of Tom waking up to what he is being deprived of, but of all the people seemingly oppressed as he is. There is too, a cynical realization that in having 'adventure', those same masses will suffer. The play exposes, through Tom's narration, how that Capitalist dream has collapsed, it is an illusion. Williams is not unsympathetic, but in Tom's escape, is telling us that everybody deserves the opportunity

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Marketing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing Communications - Essay Example A marketer detect these goals while analysing hierarchies in which consumers’ values drive the desired psychosocial consequences of product consumption, and the latter, in turn, influence product preferences. In general, researchers have yet to make a connection between the macro and micro approaches to consumer goals. Other approaches that highlight situational influences on consumer goals include the social, cultural, physical, and timely contexts of consumption (Ratneshwar et al: 10). Different methods through which consumer behavior can be analysed are by studying consumer economic, passive, emotional and cognitive behavior. An economic perspective according to Becker (1965) helps us to make the best usage of time as he suggests that time is as valuable as money. Consumer makes decisions while equating in his mind the value of time with the opportunity cost, the wage rate, and assumes that the value of time is a constant and is not influenced by any characteristic of the outcomes as long as the best alternative use of time is unaffected (Holbrook: 30). Economic perspective serves as an indicator to analyse consumers with respect to several alternate solutions or products, among which they prefer to choose one that economically suites them, while satisfying their area of interests. Becker’s context-free approach supports the economic view under which a consumer makes decisions and terms it as prospect theory. According to this theory what matters to consumer to take a decision are the utilities and values that exist in the back of his mind? While these utilities acts as a function of gains and losses relative to a particular reference point, it is this point that indicates the extent and represent consumer’s buying power. To examine this method an experiment was conducted where consumers were given an option to save few minutes of travel time on a train by paying an additional $2 for a service. Prospect theory mentioned it as an opportunity

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Barriers to Adult Learners

Barriers to Adult Learners Contents (Jump to) Introduction BARRIERS TO ADULT LEARNERS Situational barriers Institutional barriers Dispositional barriers Academic barriers Employment training barrier Cultural and socio-economic barriers OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO ADULT LEARNING CONCLUSION References Introduction Courtney, S. (1989) Adult Education is an intervention into the ordinary business of lifean intervention whose immediate goal is change, in knowledge or in competence. An adult educator is one, essentially, who is skilled at making such interventions. Who are adult learners? Adult learners are normally considered as the learners who are over the age of 25 years. They are normally referred as non-traditional students. Adult learners group has different abilities, wide range of educational backgrounds and cultural backgrounds. They have more responsibilities and experiences. In traditional education system, as soon as students finish the high school, they enrol in tertiary education. It can be a diploma or an undergraduate program. Adult learner typically doesn’t follow the traditional education system. â€Å"The adult education is also called â€Å"workforce education† (Mary Jo Self, Ed.D.) Learning is a life-long process. It starts from the very first day of life to the very last day of the life. Most of the people think that, the learning or studying happens only in school or college life. This thinking may be more from the adults. Adult learners will have many responsibilities unlike a fresh high school student. Most of the adults are full time workers and full time parents too. They always have many barriers to learn. These barriers can be divided into various categories. It can be physical barrier, attitudinal barrier or a structural barrier. It is true that adults always face some challenges that younger people don’t have to face. Some of the studies show that many adult women also face lots of barriers like early pregnancy, low socio-economic status and child care and many more as a barrier to learn. These barriers will be broadly discussed. A fundamental aspect to continuing higher education is identifying and overcoming of barriers to adult learning. The main purpose of this assignment is identifying why adults are less in learning process. In this way, I will mainly focus on the barriers to adult learning. Later in the assignment, I will try to provide some ideas to overcome or reduce the barriers in adult learning. BARRIERS TO ADULT LEARNERS A very basic aspect to continuing higher education is to identify and overcome the barriers to adult learning. â€Å"Adult learners are an increasing population in higher education. Between 1969 and 1984, the number of adults participating in education programs increased 79 percent† (Kristen M. De Vito, Eastern Illinois University). This group of students take learning as a serious work. This group of learners share are large quantity of number students learning in an educational institution. Even though, the number adult learners are increasing day by day there are many barriers for them to learn and to become successful in their life. The barriers to adult learning can be described as follows. Situational barriers Institutional barriers Dispositional barriers Academic barriers Employment training barriers Cultural barriers Situational barriers The situation barriers mostly occur with respect to a certain situation. Due a unfavourable condition in life, some adult do not want participate in learning. Sometime, these conditions make them frustration to go to an educational instate. This barrier is mostly working related or family conditions. There may be a huge number of responsibilities that one has to carry out at the same time. These responsibilities may be more important than going to an educational institute. Due to these unfavourable situations the opportunity to learn and to educate will be very much narrowed for those learners. This barrier may include: Busy work schedule: Most of the adults who are willing learn will be working to earn. Due the busy schedule in their work place, they may not get enough time to go an educational institution. Sometime, due to high living expenses, they may be working more than one place to earn. Their busy schedule may have no time to allocate for studying. The working men and women might have to face this barrier. Family and children: This barrier mainly may face to women. Most of the times, in many societies’ women are responsible for family and children especially. They have to look after children, feeding them, taking them to school or any other house works are mainly done by the women. This condition will even worm if a couple live alone because there may be no one or a few to look after the children. Men also have to face such a situation. Financial problems: Many people stop studying after the high school due to financial problems. That is the one of the main reasons why people join workforce, to earn. Most of the times, adult learners do not earn enough money to spend for their tuition fee. This is very big concern for the most of the adults who want learn and most of the people stop their learning process at point. This is one of the biggest issues that adult learners might face in Maldives. Lack of child care services: Child care centres will help people to move to jobs and as well as to study if time allows for them. But, sadly, this service is rare in many developing and underdeveloped countries. For example, in Maldives, hardly we have any childcare centre. Transportation: This is also one of the conditions that people might face. If there is a good transportation systems people can travel from home to the place of study. Unfortunately, the transportation system may not be very systematic much rural area in the world or may be expensive to travel from one place to another. In addition to above mentioned situational conditions, some other situations that put a barrier to learn are sensory or learning disability, lack of support from others like from family or employer. Institutional barriers Institutional barriers are the inconveniences faced from the educational institutions. This difficulty may be either the design of the course, method of delivering lectures or even sometimes administrative difficulties. Institutional barriers happen intentionally or unintentionally. Some of the institutional barriers include: Difficulty in paying tuition fees: Some of the educational institutes are very strict in paying tuition fees for them. Such institutions have very fixed dates to pay or a very short time line to pay the tuition fees. Due the lack of money or lack of time adult learners may face lots of barriers to pay the tuition fees. Some of the learners may quit the programmes because of this difficulty. Inconveniences faced due to improper scheduling of the programs: There are cases that institutions often offer full-time programmes for the learners. This wills a big issue for the adult learners, since they are working to earn. Attending to a full time programmes will be impossible to an adult learner. No courses are available to meets learners needs: This is again one of the obstacles that leaners might have to face. There may a very limited number of courses available in an accessible institution. There are no wide varieties of programmes available. This will cause adult learners to stop at a point. Lack of necessary qualification to enter the programme: This is again another problem that adult learners or even regular learners might have to face. Since the adult learners are mostly involving in the work skill programmes, they have to stop at this point. Most of the adult learners may not want go back and study as a traditional students so that they can gain enough qualification to enter the programme of their choice. Location: The location of an educational institute also plays an important role to participate adults in learning process. In many cases, the educational institutes are located in developed areas. This will benefit only to those who lives in that area. If we look at the Maldives, most of the adults in atolls will face this problem because almost all the tertiary educational institutions are located in Male’. Though they want study they will not have enough access because of the location. Dispositional barriers Dispositional barriers are connected with the internal or personal factors that put a barrier to learn for adults. This barrier mainly talks about the learners’ attitude to learn. Many adult learners may have negative attitude towards learning. This may be due to age factor and/or may be fewer results are made in the past studies. Of course, if a person did not make a good result in their traditional education system then then most of the people will have a negative attitude to learn in future. This will affect their psychological aspects in learning. The age factor is also an important dispositional factor that can be described as a dispositional factor. People might think they are too old to go for an educational institute. They might ignore the fact that, â€Å"learning is a lifelong process†. There are some situations where the learner might be too sick to carry out the task of leaning. â€Å"Health issues emerged from our fieldwork as a major barrier for learners and potential learners† (Peter Bates and Jane Aston, 2004) .The availability of time is also an important factor. Due to busy of an adult, they might not have enough time to attend an educational institution. The adult are full time workers, full time parents and when they join for education they become full time students too. Not everybody has potential to study with this very schedule in their life. The personal affairs like job, child and family care are more important for them than learning. There is another problem that some adults might think, â€Å"they don’t require any more education.† This may because of peer pressure or how their peers are behaving. Moreover, just after the high school, some people will get a good job which will give a decent amount of salary. This is sometime a barrier for them to come back to learn. In addition to that, inadequate language skill or not having any interest for learning are the factors that will affect the adult learni ng. Academic barriers This barrier includes the needed skills for future learning. This barrier may include the lack of language skills which are very much important in learning process. This skill actually helps to access the information of any form. If the learners cannot access the information, how they can learn. The ability to play with the numbers is also an important factor. Of course, all will understand (if they are literate) basic mathematics. But numerical skills are important for further studies. Today is the information age. Every work is done by using internet and computers. So the basic skill in information technology will be very important. Inadequate skills in computer and IT will put a barrier for some of the adult learners. If a person of academically not good in his/her childhood and teenage, then that will still remain as a barrier for them even though they want goes for higher studies. Employment training barrier These are the barrier in the work place. This may include the factor like not supporting from the employer for adult learners. Moreover, the employer will give much preference to well educated workers for giving / sending for seminars, workshops and/or any other training programmes. The less educated workers will be left over most of the times. Very often, work place, women are given less preference than male while selecting for a training programme. This might create bad impression to learn by the women. The immigrants are also given less preference than locals for training programmes. Most of the employers might think that training women and less educated people will not bring much economic welfare of the employer. Cultural and socio-economic barriers Cultural barriers are basically the barriers due to culture. In some cultures, it believe that women don’t have to go for work and as well as for higher study. The belief that girls should marry at an earlier age will almost stop the girls to go for higher studies. The socio-economic status of the society will also play important role adult learners. As discussed above, in some societies, people will get marry at the earlier and get pregnant soon. This is a big barrier for adults specially women very often. In addition to that, large families, poor economic conditions and unemployment are also barriers to adult learning. OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO ADULT LEARNING Helping adult learners to overcome the barriers is not an easy work or even not possible in some cases. The barriers that adult learners’ face will not be able to fix in overnight. To overcome the barriers, learners need long term support and working environment must need a change. Moreover educational institutes require changes in their administrative and curriculum issues. The adult learners and employers need to create close relationship. With this relationship, the employers can help the learners to learn and create a positive environment for the learners. They may provide some more free time, and also can provide study leave for the adult learners. This will encourage them to participate more in learning process. The institutions must be more flexible and understanding. Institutions have to recognise that adult learners are working people and/or looking after a family, so they cannot be compared as regular traditional learners. The rigid policies and regulations for traditional learners will not work for the adult learners. The rule and regulations must be flexible enough to meet the requirements of the adult learners. They require more help than the mainstream learners. Some flexibility with the adult learners may include, developing flexible policies on punctuality, attendance and schedule that are best suit for the learners so that adult learners can cater for their work and for their family. As mentioned above, the demography is a great barrier for adult learners to participate in learning process. To overcome this, introduction of distance learning with the technological advances can be best used. In this way, the busy adult learners do not have to attend the institute campus. â€Å"Distance learning is an excellent method of teaching adult learners because they need flexibility to contend with competing priorities† (Galusha, Jill M, 1998). They can stay at home and can study on their own. Moreover, they can contact with their lecturers via technology using the appropriate portals established by the educational institute. This will reduce the barriers to transport. This also will solve the problems of strict attendance face by the adult learners. â€Å"Adults studying online have a higher GPA than traditional counterparts† (Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, 2007). Lack of information about the educational opportunities available for adult learner is a big threat for them. This threat need to be avoided so that adult learner have chance to participate in a program of their choice. For this, proper advertising of appropriate form should be selected. If all the information is available on internet, there may be many who cannot reach. Moreover, the employers can play an important role in spreading information. Just a notice for staffs will do more than we think. The barrier within the working environment should be avoided even by using rules and regulation. The employer can arrange in such a way that the leaners can be released from the work to a certain extent to attend classes. Moreover, the training programmes should be arranged in such a way that all the required employees are benefited. Moreover, to overcome the barriers the following actions can be taken: Media campaign using different media to aware and encourage about adult learning. Give more focus on breaking the barriers related with culture. The educational institutes can develop the programmes that are flexible to adult learners such evening class or part – time study programmes of flexible attendance. Flexibility in course completing time is very important. Improving child care services to look after the children so as to help the learner to spend time in working environment as well as study environment. Provide financial supports to adult learners using low interest study loans, paid leaves, or study allowances. Accept that adult learners are busy learners who have taken the decision to join to your program. Celebrate their bravery and willingness to try. CONCLUSION Have you ever wondered why adults are still looking for the opportunities to learn? They seek out and learn new knowledge and skills. But there are barriers for adult learns. Barriers are found to be situational; which are mostly family and work related issues such as looking after children, busy work schedule and lack of support from the employer and/or from the family. Barriers are also found to be institutional: in which it occurs from the side of the educational institutes such as policies and practices related with adult learners. This can be inconvenient scheduling, rigid attendance, lack of proper course or lack of financial supports due to high tuition fees. Dispositional barriers are related with attitudes of the learners such as lack of confidence, health related issues or not wanting study furthermore, and weak performance in academic areas in past. The barriers can be academic; this happens because of not enough language and numerical skills. Some cultural and religious b eliefs also put a barrier for adult learners to learn which is known as socio-economic barriers. With these barriers, the adult learners are increasing and scoring better than the traditional main stream students. So together with employers, institution and learners themselves have try to reduce the barriers to adult learning. References Ellu Saar and Eve-Liis Roosmaa (2010, 7th February): Overcoming obstacles to adult learning. Paper presented at Life Long Learning 2010 Final International Conference. Houle, C. (1996).The Design of Education(2ndEd.)San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 41. Simon Martin (2011), Barriers to adult learning and training in rural churches, The Arthur Rank Centre Galusha, J. M. (1998). Barriers to Learning in Distance education. ERRIC Bates, P Aston, J (2004). Overcoming Barriers to Adult Basic Skills in Sussex. Falmer; Brighton: UK (2009), An Overview of Adult Learning Processes,  Retrieved from Chao, R. (2009), Understanding the Adult Learner’s motivation and barriers to Adult Learning,. Retrieve from Kristen M. De Vito (2009), Implementing Adult Learning Principles to overcome barriers of learning in continuing higher education programs. Online Journal of Workforce Education and Development. 2014. Who is the Adult Learner? [Online] Retrieve from, Aminath Nazeera

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Antonia Essay: The Character of Lena Lingard -- My Antonia Essays

The Character of Lena Lingard in My Antonia  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lena Lingard is the best example of a non-domestic central character which appears amidst the domesticity of My à ntonia. Often the sections which feature Lena instead of à ntonia are seen as confusing divergences from the plot line of a novel that purports to be about the woman named in the title. However, since Lena appears in the novel almost as often as à ntonia, and more often than any other character except Jim, she is a central character. Lena is a working woman who refuses to accept the constraints society places upon her. Even when society predicts that by becoming a dressmaker instead of marrying she will fail and become a "loose" woman, she disrupts their expectations and succeeds.    The first image of Lena in the novel is as newly arrived, pseudo-sophisticated country girl who has come to town to learn the trade of dressmaking. However, from the beginning of our knowledge of Lena she is anti-domestic. Lena recognizes that marriage is difficult-- she is never caught up in the "idea" of romance which leads à ntonia to a disastrous relationship and unwed motherhood. à ntonia takes the dances and socializing much more seriously and ends up in trouble, whereas Lena enjoys dancing and kissing but is merely having fun. When asked about her mother, Lena responds, "Oh, mother's never very well; she has too much to do. She'd get away from the farm, too, if she could" (Cather, 104). When Frances Harling teases Lena about a suitor who the town thinks Lena will marry, she responds, "I don't want to marry Nick, or any other man, . . . I've seen a good deal of married life, and I don't care for it" (105). It seems impossible for the town to believe that a beautiful gir... ...c plot" limits and ignores the non-traditional female experience which is just as important to analyze. The Nan Princes, Lena Lingards and Tiny Solderalls of the fictional world deserve and demand critical attention not for what they don't do (the dishes) but for what they are-- working women.    Works Cited Cather, Willa. My Antonia. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1995. Gelfant, Blanche H. "The Forgotten Reaping Hook: Sex in My Antonia." Bloom's Modern Critical Views, 103-123. Jewett, Sarah Orne. A Country Doctor. New York: The Penguin Group. 1986. Romines, Ann. The Home Plot: Women, Writing & Domestic Ritual. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press. 1992. Weiner, Lynn Y. From Working Girl to Working Mother: The Female Labor Force in the United States, 1820-1980. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1985.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Serandib Bank

CONTENT Page 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 1 2. Executive Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 3. Problem Statement†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. .3 4. Alternatives†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 5. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 6. Implementations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 9 Introduction This is the fourth assignment which I am forwarding as a case study for module 4 examination of Professional Qualification in Human Resource Management 75th Batch at the Institute of Personal Management Sri Lanka (IPM).The case is about the SerendiB Bank which was playing a successful monopoly game in the Bankers field where only two other local banks were held due to the Government regulations towards the implementation of foreign banks in the country. The SerendiB Bank was leading the country with a staff of 9,800 at the branches operating in each leading town island wide. Very recently; on its 50th anniversary, a new chief executive officer, Mrs. Maya Perera was appointed on her post who was just returned back to the country after serving 20 yea rs at two foreign Banks as a Top Executive.With the arrival of new CEO, many senior executives of the bank were unhappy with her new approach which is emphasized on followings. Cooperate vision and strategies/ businesses objectives for next five years Creating customer friendly process Introduction of latest technology Motivating internal staff through extrinsic motivation Promoting team work and achieving goals through team dynamics. The bank was delighting its success for next two years till the time of arriving two foreign banks and with that, suddenly it faced a narrow drop in all aspects.The bank lost its customers by 50% and the employee turnover was 22%. Finally the bank has close down its 22 branches and divest it two overseas operations. Executive Summary SerendibB Bank was practicing the seniority based promotions, non-financial rewards for individual efforts and also staff enjoyed the traditional banking activities. But, new CEO emphasized the impotency of introduction of latest technology while motivating the staff through extrinsic motivation and promoting team work and achieving goals through team dynamism.Also, CEO wanted to encourage people more towards the monetary rewards and as a result management introduced nearly a dozen of group incentives whilst statutory payments were paid in double over and above the legalized criteria. Although Bank achieved a higher growth rate in financial terms during the first two years tenure of new CEO, many senior executives were extremely unhappy with the CEO’s new approach. With launching of two new foreign banks, many senior staff members left from the SerendibB and joined with this new banks for better prospects and relieve with the newly introduce reward schemes.Within first six months, SerendibB lost over 50% of customer base and also drop in revenue. Further, SerendibB had to close down 22 branches and divested two overseas operations. This case study demonstrates the employee reward systems can h elp organizations to achieve their goals. However, Employers must first identify each objective clearly before developing tangible and intangible reward systems. Important goals such as employee retention and job satisfaction, performance improvement and employee motivation can be achieved by identifying the desired outcome of employee reward programs. . Problem Statement 1. The newly introduced reward management system does not fit to the requirements of the employees in the organization. The effectiveness of reward package is impacted by internal and external factors and it is important for employers to continually monitor, evaluate and adjust their rewards and benefits packages to ensure that they continue to meet employees' needs. Changes in the competitive landscape, in the economy, in employee needs and in demographics can all impact how effectively existing packages meet employee needs.Ongoing assessment of both internal drivers and external environmental impacts can help ens ure that companies' reward packages serve to drive retention in a positive way. But, New CEO of SerendibB Has changed the existing reward management system without doing a proper study. Therefore, change of existing reward management system is not suitable to entire organization and its requirement. 2. The newly introduced Reward Management system does not have the proper balance between the Financial and Non – Financial Rewards, individual and group rewards.Financial rewards and group incentives are one way businesses can show their appreciation to employees for hard work and dedication, but this should be just one piece of the compensation system. Non-financial rewards and individual incentives can carry just as much weight by empowering employees, as well as giving them a sense of accomplishment and of belonging. CEO of this bank always promoted the monetary rewards and the team work concept among staff. Therefore, rewarding system should be balanced among financial and no n-financial rewards as well as the Individual and the group incentives. . The Reward Management System is not consistent and sustainability. Employee reward systems can help employers achieve their organizational goals. However, employers must first identify each objective clearly before developing tangible and intangible reward systems. New CEO had taken a decision to pay in double the EPF,ETF and gratuity over and above the legalized criteria. But he hasn’t checked whether the organization can afford such a huge expensein the future. At the same time legal consultants also advised the top management not to grant excessive financial rewards.Therefore, such a reward managements system doesn’t have a sustainability, consistency and credibility 4. The Reward Management System does not catering the purpose. Employers must offer employee rewards that the company's employees find meaningful. Well-managed employee reward management system have tangible affirmative effects on the employer’s bottom line results such as Attraction, retention, motivation, engagement, return on investment. Throughout the case it doesn’t demonstrate the key values of reward management system.Further, Majority of the staff of the SerendibB bank left and joined with new foreign bank due to frustration. In that case SerendibB was failed to full fill the basic requirement of the reward management system. 5. The Reward Management System does not cater the requirements of the existing staffWithinfirst six months of opening the competitor banks, SerendiB lost over 50% of customer base and had to face huge drop in revenue. Also, many of the senior staff members joined the new foreign banks. By that moment, top management of the SerendibB bank well knew the reason behind.But, nobody take steps to change or enhance the existing rewarding system so that best fit for the existing employees and retain them with the SerendibB bank. Alternatives 1. SerendibBBank should come u p with incentive plans as follows for their employees in order to reward staffs who contribute the most to the profitability goals of the bank. This allows employees to reap the rewards to their business acquisition activities and helps to promote a sense of self-achievement and teamwork. a) Bank need to identify those products and services that it wants to concentrate upon based on product demand, pricing and risk analysis.For example, when a bank decides that too much of its assets are related to the condominium market, a shift toward other income producing real estate is made. Once the current year product and profitability goals are established, the various departments of the bank are informed of the products that the bank is going to pursue. b) It is recommended consult with staff and trade union and gets their ideas of a new incentive system. Also, management can conduct brief survey to get the ideas of staff. Provide clear choices in survey in order to get clear answers.Ask q uestions like â€Å"Would you prefer a cash reward or a personalized plaque for being employee of the month? † Employee surveys should also list a variety of monetary and non-monetary awards and ask employees to list their preferences. c) A bank profitability system takes each product that the bank offers and classifies it according to the responsible department and customer account. The various customer accounts are assigned to specific employee who manage the account and increase the business volume of the bank with the customer. The employees also acquire new customer accounts that generate profit.Therefore, a proper profitability system must be capable of tracking the progress of existing and new customer accounts by employee in order to reward the efforts of the employee through the incentive program of the bank d) Once the various income-producing goals are established for the bank, the acquisition incentive program is communicated to the departments involved. For examp le, if incentive payments are being offered for acquiring new real estate business loans, the program details what the employee needs to do in order to earn an incentive payment.The typical program involves the payment of an upfront fee to the employee of two percent for the original acquisition of new business and a five percent payment after the first year of operation from the ongoing business of the customer. This type of program tends to bring the operation of the bank together e) The continual monitoring of the profit and loss goals of the bank according to customer and assigned employee must be transparent and available to the relevant employee, as well as to the department supervisor. This allows for total follow-up and monetary remuneration.It also shows where adjustments need to be made due to problematic relationships. Furthermore, it provides the historical base for progress and motivation. f) Measure employee satisfaction of new or improved incentive plan by obtaining i deas of employees or implementing a survey and review exit interview information. In addition, analyze turnover rates before and after implementing the employee incentive program to measure the effectiveness of the new or improved rewards system. 2. Monetary incentives encourage employee compliance, rather than encouraging risk-taking, since most monetary rewards consider only employee performance.Employees may be motivated to perform in certain ways to achieve monetary rewards, rather than doing something because it is the right thing to do. This behavior can disrupt or end good working relationships among associates, since they have become competitors rather than co-workers, which ultimately disrupts the overall work environment. Non-monetary incentives have been used to reward employees for their good work by providing opportunities for training, flexible work schedules, improved work environments and sabbaticals.Therefore it is essential to take a good balance between non-moneta ry and monetary incentives as well as the group and individual incentives. Because it results in a more satisfying program to address the diverse interests and needs of employees. 3. With the lost of customer base, SerendibB bank is in a terrible finance situation. Bank is still paying the statutory payments in double to existing employees due to wrong decision taken by its CEO. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately stop such extra payment (EPF,ETF; Gratuity)done by the bank to its employees and on behalf of employees. . SerendibB Bank need effective reward systems in order to attract employees to the bank keep their existing employees and maintain a satisfied workforce. The primary employee reward is usually pay. But, SerendibB has to offer a total reward system that includes good pay and other non-monetary incentives. Designing a total reward system is important task to be done by the bank to overcome the current problem it has faced. Therefore, bank can implement following to attract external people. a) Develop a competitive pay strategy.Benchmark (two foreign banks) the market pay scale for each compensated position in the organization. Once pay scales are determined, Deputy CEO can decide which positions should be paid at, below or above the average pay rate. Critical positions in the organization are often paid at higher rates to keep valuable employees and avoid wasting resources on employee searches. b) Establish work-life rewards. These rewards include paid or unpaid sick time, paid lunch and break times, childcare assistance, variable work schedules and other benefits that don't normally include pay, but are seen as valuable by employees.Organizations that are in a position that precludes paying traditional benefits can sometimes keep employees by offering these types of rewards c) Develop meaningful employee recognition programs. Many employees respond to simple recognition for a job well done. This can be as easy and spontaneous as a simple â⠂¬Å"thank you† or more organized as a monthly or quarterly recognition lunch or dinner. It's important that people who are recognized are truly outstanding workers. Depending on the profitability of the organization employees be recognized with anything from cash to event tickets to a certificate. ) Initiate a career development program. Many employees will stay at organizations that offer fewer benefits if they can see that there is possible job advancement available in the future. Offering management training programs that truly given employee a leg up on future career advancement can be viewed as a valuable reward. This can be a very low-cost reward system that keeps employees for the long-term. It's important to only offer training to employees who truly deserve it. 5. At this crucial time, it is important to retain existing employees.Therefore it is requires to offer them a short tem rewards such as meal allowances, bonuses, transport allowances, health and life insurance , and annual vacation in order to keep employees. Conclusion Most people work mainly or even exclusively for the money they earn. No employee refuses more money, whether it is a one-time reward or a permanent pay increase, but employee rewards need not always be monetary. Raises and bonuses are among the most potent workplace rewards. The importance of rewards in the workplace extends beyond providing increased pay.Therefore, it is important to starta proper reward system in the bank with the aim of getting below results to the SerendibB bank and overcomeexisting problems which bank is experienced now. Staff Retention Staff turnover is expensive. It costs a company from 120 to 200 percent of an employee's annual salary to replace him when he leaves. New hires often require considerable time to reach peak performance. Staffs who feel that the bank recognizes their efforts are less likely to seek jobs elsewhere than those who feel that they are taken for granted. Maintaining MoraleAt this moment staffs of SerendibBsuffer from low morale. This is especially due to unhappy with CEOs new approach towards the reward system. Providing rewards can boost morale and need not be much costly. Enhancing Performance Rewarding employees often improves performance on the job. Nonmonetary rewards often produce surprisingly sustained increases in staff productivity. Raises and bonuses also increase staff productivity. â€Å"Carrot† Versus â€Å"Stick† Motivation Bank staff is consisted with educated employees. Taking a â€Å"stick† approach to bank discipline is often counterproductive in motivating staff.Punishments, in the form of negative public recognition, can quickly disintegrate into a finger-pointing exercise among employees eager to keep the spotlight away from themselves. Therefore, it is very vital to have a effective rewarding system in SerendibB bank to speed up the recruitment process and as well as to retain the existing staff . Implementatio n Implementing an employee reward program is a great way to push workers to excel. Not only does a program generate results for the people who win awards, but it also tends to increase productivity and drive staff to give their most to the SerendibB Bank.Therefore, it is recommended to consider the below given areas when implementing and employee reward program to the SerendibB Bank. Director HR should take an initiative to implement a reward policy for the Bank so that it would be clear to the bank staff. Also, bank need to initiate a grievance handling system, so that staff can come up with any problem they have and look for a solution. If such is available staff might wait and see whether they can have solution before they go for drastic actions such as leaving form the bankCreate two lists of goals, one for the bank and one for the staff. Be clear on what the staff are expected to do within the program and what bank want to achieve by creating it. Increasing customers, improving staff morale or rewarding hard staff are all acceptable goals, as long as bankis clear on them. Decide on the type of prize that will be awarded. Prizes can be symbolic (an actual certificate or medal) or they can be material and focus on money rewards, special items or long-term rewards, such as more time off or a raise. Announce the timing of the reward system.It doesn't really matter bank plan on handing out awards on a monthly or quarterly basis, but it has to plan in advance. Management of SerendibBlet the staff know what to expect and when. Once announce the program, HR department of the bank can do updates throughout the month or quarter to show where the process is going and how everybody involved is doing. Designate a leader to keep track of the system. This could be a manager, a staff who is not participating in the program. Create a schedule or a follow-up system so bank staff can track themselves and make the process easier for the leader..

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Benefits and Effectiveness of Accounting Essay

The research was based on two variables these are computerized accounting systems which comprise of definitions, components of computerized accounting software and benefits and limitation of computerized system and financial reporting which also comprises of definitions of financial reports, benefits and effectiveness of accounting system used at National Water and Sewerage Corporation. The study will enable management to understand the significance of preparing quality and reliable financial reports. The study will point out weakness in the accounting system which management needs to address. The Government of Malaysia through the Department of Accountant General (MDAG) has instructed MARA to implement the Standard Accounting System for Government Agencies (SAGA). This is a total Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System, developed based on web-based application and is using an accrual basis of accounting. The SAGA financial system enables its users, particularly the government agencies to close their accounts on a daily basis, monitor their daily financial activities as well as produce standardized financial reports to the stakeholders at any place and any time. However, upon completion of the SAGA financial system analysis, MARA identifies that the system could not cater all MARA business activities. Processes such as disbursement of scholarship and loans to students and entrepreneurs are not covered by the system. As such, MARA still has to maintain its existing databases and therefore made special request to the MDAG to exclude the implementation of SAGA while awaiting MARA ICT consultant’s recommendations on the development of a new MARA Total Information and Financial System. As a conclusion, the SAGA financial systems could not be used by MARA on its own. The end-users in MARA need to operate both, SAGA and its own systems at the same time. This situation could lead to users’ confusion if they are to use different type of system when updating certain type of financial transaction. This is because the end-user of MARA Computerized Accounting System could only utilized the SAGA Financial System just for ordinary operating expenditures whilst any disbursement of expenditure pertaining to subsidiary system, they still need to use the existing MARA Financial Systems. Consequently, internal controls and security functions may not be easily built in the systems. Concurrent use of both systems may affect job satisfaction and performance of the end-users. Introducing Computerized Accounting Information Systems in a Developing Nation: Egyptian International Motors This study aims to assess the implementation of accounting information system on a company in a developing nation. To answer this question this manuscript attempts to do the following: (1) identify the reasons for the shift to an automated system and the main goals that the company aim to achieve form this shift, (2) determine the company’s strategic decisions like choices between outsourcing versus in-house development, and ready made packages versus tailor made software, (3) describe the steps of implementation, (4) understand the reaction of the employees to the new automated system, (5) study the required changes on the organizational chart and human resources qualifications that are required, (6) recognize the problems that the company met during the process, (6) point the advantages of the shift to the automated system. A computerized accounting System provides many advantages over manual systems, for example entries do not have to be recorded in multiple ledgers so as to fulfill the cardinal rules of financial reporting.A single entry is made and the system will populate all the appropriate corresponding accounts automatically. Computerized accounting also makes it possible for people in other departments,not just accounting to enter data.It does not require avast amount of accounting knowledge for a payroll clerk to enter wages details into the accounts,a basic understanding of how to use the system is sufficient The study intends to find out the effect of a computerized accounting system on the quality of financial reports generated by an organization. To examine the effect of computerize accounting systems quality financial reporting. To determine the challenges encountere by organizations before and after implementing a computerized accounting system. To identify strategies/measures of ensuring quality financial reporting. An accounting system is part of the organisation’s management information system therefore a good or decent accounting system must be able to produce reports like trial balance, aged debtors and aged creditors. Accounting systems must provide data that should enable the production of management accounts, statutory accounts and must also assist the managers and accountants in discharging their stewardship roles. Production Of Accounts A good system should enable the firm to produce its management reports and management accounts at short notice. This will enable the organisation to monitor performance, to take decisions quickly and to make decision based on objective and verifiable information. Audit Trail Audit trail is very important as it will enable auditors and senior managers to monitor transactions entered in the accounting system and this will ensure that there is information integrity. A good system should document the changes that have been made in the system, who made the changes and it should also be able to track what was changed. Compatibility With Other Programmes A strong characteristic of a good accounting system is that it must be compatible with other systems. For example, it should easily be configurable so that it can communicate with other programmes like Excel or Crystal. An accounting system should be able to export transactions and reports into Excel and it should allow data and transactions to be imported from an external source. This will lead to time savings as there will be no need to duplicate a role or process. Error Detection If an accounting system does not dictate errors then it is not a good accounting package as it is failing to perform a basic functionality. An accounting package should decline to post transactions that do not balance for example the total debits should equal the total credits and if this is not the case, then the accounting system should automatically flag this error. Internal Controls Internal controls are the eyes and ears of the organisation and a good accounting system should embed these internal controls into the system. Internal controls enable prevention and detection of fraud and error. An accounting system should enable internal control tools like segregation of duties, reconciliations and account allocations. A good accounting system should not allow users to delete data that has been posted into the system. Manual Vs Computerized Accounting Computerized accounting systems provide more benefits than manual ones, allowing for more accurate calculations, in less time. Compared to manual accounting, with a computerized system errors are far less common, eliminating human error. And with accounting programs that are industry-specific, you can benefit from various preset templates for your general ledger, saving more time. You can store virtually endless information, without any trouble at all. And if you later want to review financial information from several years ago, with a computerized accounting system you can do it easily, while with a manual one you would have to sort through stacks of paper ledgers. Bottom line, both systems may be useful to some extent. But for more accurate bookkeeping and increased efficiency, a computerized accounting system seems to have more advantages. You can find several free versions online, as well as more proficient accounting software available for purchase. Search online for such accounting systems, read about their features and decide which one would be better for your particular business needs. Although they will not allow you to physically handle the ledgers, it will provide a better accounting solution. The advantages of Computerized Accounting seem to be unknown by business owners and individuals who are in doubt of purchasing Accounting Software. Accounting Software has been a trend nowadays. With the vast Computerized System Providers and wide range of versions to choose from, Accounting System has evolved to be one of the trends in information technology. Computerized Systems are designed to create more value in Financial Accounting. Value can be relayed in terms of speed, accuracy and reliability of accounting data. With Computerized System, invoices can be transmitted in an instant through email; inventories are appropriately monitored; and disbursements are tracked for payments to be done before due dates. It helps Bookkeepers to reduce manual activities. When transactions are entered in the Accounting System, automatic entries are posted to generate data needed for financial reporting. Accounting Software enables Bookkeepers and Accountants to adjust necessary accounts to reflect the correct amount of each Account. Computerized Accounting allows Accountants to trace erroneous data and entry in a creative and organized manner through the help of summaries, list of accounts and original entries. Article Source: Article Source: Computers are extensively used in accounting and there are multitude of computer software for Accounting, MIS, CRM. HiTech Financial Accounting is one such software which has been customized for users in many segments in business and services. Payroll accounting was the first commercial area to become widely computerized. The calculation of wages or salaries involves a number of variables which relate to the personal details of each employee, such as gross pay or rate for the job, individual deductions, tax liabilities of the employees and so on. These facts can be retained in the computers and processed every month of produce pay slips for the employees. The computer helps to exercise the type of stock control needed by the organization. It up to dates the sales and purchases records, determines optimum re-order levels for different items and prints out the stock lists when desired. The system can be so designed that it triggers orders when stock level reaches order point for variou s material items; tests those item which are slow moving or gives list for over stock items. Programming can be done for any sales accounting system. The computer will pin point defaulting debtors, determine the right limit for credit for each debtor and maintain stores ledger. Costing and budgetary control can be affected through the computer, the computer will point out the variations from the planned performance.The computer also helps greatly in production planning and control. It is possible that scheduling of the work may become necessary due to break downs etc. A new critical path may have to be worked out. A critical path is the shortest path to be followed in production to achieve production objectives. The computer helps the management lay down this new critical path. The increasing competition and the highly demands of globalization, Malaysia government attempt for Small Medium Enterprise, SME for the development of innovative, competitive with high technology. Computerized accounting system (CAS) adoption may be decisive factor for an organization to be success and also to survive. This research project which aimed to investigate SME practice of CAS and to identify the factor affecting the adoption among SMEs in Melaka. A survey was carried out through a set of questionnaires to examine the CEO Innovativeness Factors Scale, Perceive Usefulness Factors Scale, Perceive Ease of Use Factors Scale and Business Competitiveness. The sample selected comprised of CEOs of SMEs in three districts in Melaka, namely Melaka Tengah, Alor Gajah and Jasin. The data gathered were coded and analyzed using descriptive statistics, linear regression analysis, Pearson Correlation analysis and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).This study reveals that CAS adoption rate in SMEs in Melaka is high. Results from the analysis also shown the significant of independent variables and proved the relationships have been substantiated to the dependent variable which contribute to the usage of CAS adoption between SMEs in Melaka. The findings indicate that CEO innovativeness; perceive ease of use and business competitiveness negatively correlated to the adoption of CAS. Results reveals that only perceive usefulness are significantly positive correlated to CAS adoption. Therefore it can be deduced that adoption of CAS among SMEs in Melaka is caused by its usefulness. The findings reveal that types of business and business location influence the adoption of CAS. However, size (paid up capital, sales turnover and number of employee) do not influence the adopter. Results also indicate that CEO literacy on ICT, accounting and CAS has influence the responded CEO to adopt CAS in their business. However, the advantages by using the accounting systems software were not fully utilized by CAS adopters.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Adopt A Dad essays

Adopt A Dad essays Who says that men cant raise children? According to the American society, single fatherhood is almost unheard of. We, as society, are so accustomed to seeing women with children and no father figure that we begin to think that single motherhood is the status quo. But isnt this considered one-sided in todays world? There are men that raise their own kids or adopt to raise by themselves. A great example of single fatherhood is displayed in the movie Big Daddy (1999). Although rated as a comedy with lots of childish antics performed, this movie is at the top of the list as proof that men too can raise children without a mother around. The movies father character, Sonny, is left alone to raise a child. In an effort to impress his girlfriend, he adopts a five-year-old boy. He has no clue of what fatherhood entails except for what he saw as a child. Yet, his childhood alone isnt enough to aid him in knowing the ins and outs of caring for a kid. Although he adopts Julian for the wrong reason, he follows all the right paths to be a Big Daddy to this little boy and show him what being a man is all about. Big Daddy clearly illustrates what I mean when I say that men too can raise children alone. Women have been known to be the backbone in most families but in this case, Sonny is all Julian has and is the only person Julian can look to for guidance. This role makes Sonny not only the backbone but the role model and leader in Julians eyes. The American society looks down upon men raising children alone, thinking that it is practically impossible for a man to do what has been considered for so long, a womans job. But when will the wall between these sexist iniquities be torn down? When will society be free of the misconception that childcare duties are exclusively for mothers? In todays world, there are rules to protect single mothers in times of hardship...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on HP Amazon is an online retail company that sells books, toys, CDs, DVDs electro-domestic equipment and many other products. Its services are primarily directed towards the consumer – the individual who goes online and uses the site in order to find a product. Since 1999 HP has been a main component in’s IT infrastructure, the tremendous success of which is partially due to its very high availability record. So when the company decided to expand its data warehouse to meet current and future growth, they naturally came to their trusted partner, HP. But there is much more to this story. At the data warehouse is the center point of all its data – including order, client and stock data – that supports the user’s analysis. Consequently, the data warehouse is connected to almost all of the company’s systems. Two large HP Superdome servers are at the heart of’s data warehouse. Each Superdome executes a large Oracle database. One of these is used by the assembly area and is connected to 17 Virtual Array 7100s. This server prepares the data so that it can be used in reports. The second Superdome is the data warehouse itself and is connected to 39 Virtual Array 7100s. currently has 100 processors in the Superdome to attend to its present necessities, though with I/O for additional growth. When selecting the storage for its data warehouse, had three important criteria: a competitive price per terabyte, capacity to move large I/O fluxes and a high level of availability. The front-end of the data warehouse at is a collection of Linux HP LT6000 servers with an Intel base. The Linux system supports our extraction, transformation and carriage processing as well as supporting the User’s Interface. As the performance of its data warehouse is the base of its service-level contract with its final users, measures and monitors its perfo... Free Essays on HP Amazon Free Essays on HP Amazon is an online retail company that sells books, toys, CDs, DVDs electro-domestic equipment and many other products. Its services are primarily directed towards the consumer – the individual who goes online and uses the site in order to find a product. Since 1999 HP has been a main component in’s IT infrastructure, the tremendous success of which is partially due to its very high availability record. So when the company decided to expand its data warehouse to meet current and future growth, they naturally came to their trusted partner, HP. But there is much more to this story. At the data warehouse is the center point of all its data – including order, client and stock data – that supports the user’s analysis. Consequently, the data warehouse is connected to almost all of the company’s systems. Two large HP Superdome servers are at the heart of’s data warehouse. Each Superdome executes a large Oracle database. One of these is used by the assembly area and is connected to 17 Virtual Array 7100s. This server prepares the data so that it can be used in reports. The second Superdome is the data warehouse itself and is connected to 39 Virtual Array 7100s. currently has 100 processors in the Superdome to attend to its present necessities, though with I/O for additional growth. When selecting the storage for its data warehouse, had three important criteria: a competitive price per terabyte, capacity to move large I/O fluxes and a high level of availability. The front-end of the data warehouse at is a collection of Linux HP LT6000 servers with an Intel base. The Linux system supports our extraction, transformation and carriage processing as well as supporting the User’s Interface. As the performance of its data warehouse is the base of its service-level contract with its final users, measures and monitors its perfo...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Introduction to the JavaScript If Statement

Introduction to the JavaScript If Statement The JavaScript if statement performs an action based on a condition, a common scenario in all programming languages.The if statement tests a bit of data against a condition, and then specifies some code to be executed if the condition is true, like so: if condition {  Ã‚  Ã‚   execute this code} The if statement is almost always paired with the else statement because usually, you want to define an alternative bit of code to execute. Lets consider an example: if (Stephen name) {      message Welcome back Stephen;} else {      message Welcome name;} This code returns Welcome back Stephen if name is equal to Stephen; otherwise, it returns Welcome and then whatever value the variable name contains. A Shorter IF Statement JavaScript provides us with an alternative way of writing an if statement when both the true and false conditions  just assign different values to the same variable. This shorter way omits the keyword if as well as the braces around the blocks (which are optional for single statements). We also move the value that we are setting in both the true and false conditions to the front of our single statement and embed this new style of if statement into the statement itself.   Heres how this looks: variable (condition) ? true-value : false-value; So our if statement from above could be written all in one line as: message (Stephen name) ? Welcome back Stephen : Welcome name; As far as JavaScript is concerned, this one statement is identical to the longer code from above. The only difference is that writing the statement this way actually provides JavaScript with more information about what the if statement is doing. The code can run more efficiently than if we wrote it the longer and more readable way. This is also called a ternary operator. Assigning Multiple Values to a Single Variable This way of coding an if statement can help avoid verbose code, particularly in nested if statements. For example, consider this set of nested if/else statements: var answer;if (a b) {   if (a c) {      answer all are equal;   } else {      answer a and b are equal;   }} else {   if (a c) {      answer a and c are equal;   } else {      if (b c) {         answer b and c are equal;      } else {         answer all are different;      }   }} This code assigns one of five possible values to a single variable. Using this alternative notation, we can considerably shorten this into just one statement that incorporates all of the conditions: var answer (a b) ? ((a c) ? all are equal :a and b are equal) : (a c) ? a and c are equal : (b c) ?b and c are equal : all are different; Note that this notation can be used only when all the different conditions being tested are assigning different values to the same variable.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Impact of Legislation on Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Impact of Legislation on Organizations - Essay Example The procedures highlighted an analysed below necessitate the need for universal intelligence about risk and security management of data and information. Enactment of the EO pushes for the mandated action towards ensuring the systems put in place for public use implement a proper network security and resilience. The national data breach reporting for Department of Health and Human Services showcases the life cycle of a breach (Department of Homeland Security, 2013). This majorly entails information and content which highlights on the specific steps or criteria utilized in handling and resolving health information data breaches. The information system also has to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the U.S. government’s operation framework put in place to secure the critical infrastructure plus make it more resilient. The White House’s cyber security draft proposal released in May 2011 included a data breach provision which highlights on the procedures and notification requirements that should be practiced by organizations in case of a data breach. The points to be analysed with regards to the EO legislative proposal are listed below: The Department of Health and Human Services in the United States are tasked with the responsibility of designing and putting in place a technological system which facilitates safe and secure data storage of client information. A neutral voluntary cyber security framework ensures that clients receive emails and notifications securely. The information security program executed but the Health and Human Services department is aimed at reducing the costs of handling data breaches (Department of Homeland Security, 2013). Data breach management and prevention can be achieved via implementing an automatic and responsive system that discovers and handles data breaches in a timely manner. Developing and employing this form of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Becoming a master student Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Becoming a master student - Essay Example In fact, it is not what happens to us that becomes an experience, but rather, how we think about what happens to us. This way, thoughts progress eventually and become part of our growth. 2. Clarence Darrow, who had the reputation of being an excellent American lawyer and civil libertarian, feels that the power to think rests in the power to laugh. If you are unable to laugh, it means you create a situation where your thoughts are stifled by unnecessary stress. The positive energy of laughter creates an ambience for clear, proactive thoughts. People who are ill-tempered are also known to be thoughtless. On the other hand, those who are able to see the lighter side of life in everything emerge as true winners where the power of thoughts is the need of the hour. Moreover, a person with a sense of humour connects well with others, and her/his thoughts can very well be communicated to others quickly because of this. 3. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the American writer who led the Transcendentalist Movement in the mid 19th century, believes that the hardest task on earth is to think. There is a common misunderstanding that it is quite easy to ‘think’, but the truth remains that real thinking calls for intelligence and logical aptitude. Otherwise, one may end up acting thoughtlessly. It is not the quantity of thought, but its quality that matters ultimately. Anyone who is capable of using quality time thinking about something relevant is apt to come up with new perspectives n life, and in some cases, even solutions to the most difficult problems in life. None of the scientific inventions and historical discoveries could have materialized out of thoughtless endeavors. Thoughts are tough to materialize out of vacuum; it calls for dedicated work for a prolonged time. 4. Voltaire, the French philosopher and writer, reveals how those who think are excessively few in the world. And he adds that those who do not think set

New American Vision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

New American Vision - Essay Example For many modern day individuals, those of whom will have grown accustomed to the present state of the market and the working world, it can become quite easy to forget the earlier days of how things such as cars and utilitarian items, would have been produced. A classic example of the evolution of production, would have been the assembly line perfected by automaker Henry Ford. Due to his creative thinking, American consumers were able to possess the opportunity to have an automobile at the fraction of the time it would have taken prior. In this case, "The Industrial Revolution was a transformation of human life circumstances that occurred in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries (roughly 1760 to 1840) in Britain, the United States, and Western Europe due in large measure to advances in the technologies of industry," ("Industrial Revolution", p.1). It would be this revolution, that would lead to changes in production measures that would result in a shift in the modern work force. Where previously the workforce had been predominately individuals themselves, it would now become a scenario in which machines would be able to alleviate a level of the strain, so that it would be a mixture of man and machine. American families would be impacted by such changes in the workforce. Mainly in such areas as, the ability for the heads of the household to be at home more, rather than spending the vast majority of their time at work. This would give way to the stronger sense of the modern American family. The family that would be able to eat meals together and also interact with each other on levels previously not had, had it not been for the adjustments made to the workplace in conjunction with the boom of the technological advancement age. From a business standpoint, it would enable business owners to lower wage costs by having fewer employees on the floor at the same time. Such cost savings would in turn, be able to be transferred to the customers of their products, in the form of decreases in the cost of products purchased. Further assessing the automotive aspect of the revolution, "For American automobile workers, one relatively constant feature of their daily factory lives was this simplified, monotonous, and degraded work. Although work tasks, work situations, and work routines varied considerably from automobile firm to automobile firm and from one shop or department to another, the work tasks of assembly line workers were the simplest, most boring, and most degrading," (Meyer, p.1). For those individuals that sought to achieve the basic needs of life as they saw them, the advancements in the production line, courtesy of the increases in industrialization, would seem as a saving graces of sorts. The opportunity to have work environments that were simple. Many who were a part of the workforce, worked in factories that resided in their respective towns. " As in Britain, the United States originally used water power to run its factories, with the consequence that industrialization was essentially limited to New England and the rest of the Northeastern United States, where fast-moving rivers were located," ("Industrial Revolution", p.19). With such limited presence in the modern world, the ability of transferring created goods to a broader grouping of people, would prove to be quite difficult. The vision of a modern America, would be hindered in that, at this point, only a

Critically evaluate the view that, the global regulatory environment Essay

Critically evaluate the view that, the global regulatory environment and governance plays an important role on both the location and impact of Multinational enterprises - Essay Example Social economics puts emphasis on the dichotomous characteristic of the MNE, elaborated in the expression ‘making goods versus making money’ (Mcclintock 1999, 507) to examine the ways wherein clashes between these objectives may bring about social injustice. Usually this social disorder arouses collective action to remedy the inequality or discrimination, effectively mitigating the social harm of the MNE’s operations (Jones 2005). In this essay the role of global regulatory environment and governance on the location and impact of multinational enterprises is outlined. MNEs’ international investment and production is far-reaching. In 1997, roughly 53,000 MNEs and their foreign partners had an amassed direct foreign investment stock assessed at more than $3 trillion whilst the foreign partners’ international sales drew near to an approximated $9 trillion (Mcclintock 1999, 507). Global production has increased at a more rapid pace than global trade as suggested by sales of the foreign partners of MNEs increasing more rapidly than actual DFI investment and world exports as a share of international GDP surpassing increase in the proportion of imports and exports to GDP (Luo 2005). This globalisation of production has expanded the shared interdependence of regional and national markets. Due to the fact that transaction outlays may remain elevated in global exchange due to the incapability of attempts between private groups, such as corporate codes of conduct, or the government to achieve a ‘greater success’ in the interest of the general public, trials in supranational arbitration of conflicts have heightened (Kim, Prescott & Kim 2005). Two primary rationales for the growth of this governance are the integrative and technological necessities of contemporary life. The global technology transfer creates the demand for regulation and standardisation

Thursday, October 17, 2019 - Not Your Average Bookstore Case Study - Not Your Average Bookstore - Case Study Example Other than customer comments, Amazon websites records numbers of customers, the products they review and pages they visit. After analyzing those records, Amazon recognizes sale/purchase patterns and makes business strategies accordingly. Is Amazon using disruptive or sustaining technology to run its business? A disruptive technology is the one that creates new market and value network. mostly incorporates disruptive technology. For instance; when Amazon website was formed, books purchase constituted a very small fraction of the items for sale but with the launch of Amazon online bookstore, it has redefined book’s market. People visit Amazon websites to read reviews on a book and make decision about purchasing the book. Things didn’t stop there; Amazon launched its book reading application, Kindle. It is an eBook reader and uses e-Ink technology which consumes very small battery power, this way people can take their collection of favorite books anywhere they w ant. Other applications like Amazon S3, Vine and Amazon MP3 all offer new technologies. Interactive interface technology used by Amazon really makes the shopping experience worthwhile. Online Music downloading and online storage application such as S3, all count as disruptive technologies. How is Amazon using personalization to keep its customers loyal? Amazon incorporates personalized recommendations to keep its customers loyal. ... ications like Auctions, zShops (independent third party sellers) and Marketplace (here customers can buy and sell used items), Amazon is offering almost everything to its customers on their fingertips. All of this contributes to increasing customer loyalty. How has Amazon used technology to revamp the bookselling industry? Amazon has completely refurbished the bookselling industry. Amazon bookstore has become a trademark name for book publishers and customers. For instance, Jeffery Bezos, the CEO of Amazon implemented a smart business strategy by making virtual book store accessible from all across the globe. When Bezos first initiated the list of 20 items online, books were a small ticket item on it, but later when Amazon created thousands of virtual book stores, Amazon Bookstore became a house hold name for book purchases. No book store could store 5 million books published each year but Amazon. Technology enabled Amazon to handle such a large amount of data a nd make it available to customers. It won’t be exaggeration saying that eBook concept was popularized by Amazon. Later with the introduction of eBook reader, Kindle; Amazon totally revamped the bookselling industry. Kindle incorporates another technology to download books for its eBook readers through ‘Whispernet’ on a wireless network, ‘Sprint Nextel Network’. Initial offering from Kindle included over 90,000 books, magazines and journals. How can Amazon use mbusiness to increase sales? There is tremendous potential in mbusiness or mcommerce. According to the research firm Strategy Analysts, mcommerce industry was supposed to be exceeding $200bn by 2005 with 350 million customers generating $14bn annually, and this is 2012, it is easy to figure out what potential mbusiness

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Create a crisis action plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Create a crisis action plan - Coursework Example It is also important for the management to attempt to create goodwill in the company so that it can have a good image in the eyes of the (Flippo, 1961). There are different steps that can be taken when resolving conflicts in an organization. According to Armstrong (1994), there are mainly four stages that are involved in conflict resolution which involve the following: carry out research about the root cause of the conflict, design an action plan, implement the plan and finally evaluate the effectiveness of the crisis action plan. Some claims of sexual harassment that are reported in the organization are baseless hence the need to conduct some investigations to establish if the case has actually happened. In the event that sexual harassment claims are real, a proper course of action will be required in order to rectify the issue so that the parties involved can work together in harmony again. The action plan ought to involve the parties involved in the case of sexual harassment. This action plan should not only be limited to the people who are directly involved in the case but should be a leading example to the would be offenders in the future. The people involved should be brought to the drawing table where their case is openly discussed. The views of both parties are taken into consideration and a solution that is satisfactory to both parties is found. For the sake of progress and unity in the organization, reconciliation is the way forward when the offender and the victim have understood each other and hav e agreed to forgive each other. Thus, in the case highlighted above, the action plan involves the parties involved burying the hatchet and working together in unity. However, this course of action ought to be implemented by a responsible person like a leader in the organization. In order to implement this course of action, the leader should make sure that the people involved do not revert to the issue again but they should just focus on - Not Your Average Bookstore Case Study - Not Your Average Bookstore - Case Study Example Other than customer comments, Amazon websites records numbers of customers, the products they review and pages they visit. After analyzing those records, Amazon recognizes sale/purchase patterns and makes business strategies accordingly. Is Amazon using disruptive or sustaining technology to run its business? A disruptive technology is the one that creates new market and value network. mostly incorporates disruptive technology. For instance; when Amazon website was formed, books purchase constituted a very small fraction of the items for sale but with the launch of Amazon online bookstore, it has redefined book’s market. People visit Amazon websites to read reviews on a book and make decision about purchasing the book. Things didn’t stop there; Amazon launched its book reading application, Kindle. It is an eBook reader and uses e-Ink technology which consumes very small battery power, this way people can take their collection of favorite books anywhere they w ant. Other applications like Amazon S3, Vine and Amazon MP3 all offer new technologies. Interactive interface technology used by Amazon really makes the shopping experience worthwhile. Online Music downloading and online storage application such as S3, all count as disruptive technologies. How is Amazon using personalization to keep its customers loyal? Amazon incorporates personalized recommendations to keep its customers loyal. ... ications like Auctions, zShops (independent third party sellers) and Marketplace (here customers can buy and sell used items), Amazon is offering almost everything to its customers on their fingertips. All of this contributes to increasing customer loyalty. How has Amazon used technology to revamp the bookselling industry? Amazon has completely refurbished the bookselling industry. Amazon bookstore has become a trademark name for book publishers and customers. For instance, Jeffery Bezos, the CEO of Amazon implemented a smart business strategy by making virtual book store accessible from all across the globe. When Bezos first initiated the list of 20 items online, books were a small ticket item on it, but later when Amazon created thousands of virtual book stores, Amazon Bookstore became a house hold name for book purchases. No book store could store 5 million books published each year but Amazon. Technology enabled Amazon to handle such a large amount of data a nd make it available to customers. It won’t be exaggeration saying that eBook concept was popularized by Amazon. Later with the introduction of eBook reader, Kindle; Amazon totally revamped the bookselling industry. Kindle incorporates another technology to download books for its eBook readers through ‘Whispernet’ on a wireless network, ‘Sprint Nextel Network’. Initial offering from Kindle included over 90,000 books, magazines and journals. How can Amazon use mbusiness to increase sales? There is tremendous potential in mbusiness or mcommerce. According to the research firm Strategy Analysts, mcommerce industry was supposed to be exceeding $200bn by 2005 with 350 million customers generating $14bn annually, and this is 2012, it is easy to figure out what potential mbusiness

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lockes Doctrine of Abstraction Essay Example for Free

Lockes Doctrine of Abstraction Essay John Locke and George Berkeley are two famous philosophers whose work found similarities in their proximity of publication, but stark differences in their beliefs. In Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding, he argued passionately for his doctrine of abstract ideas. On the other hand, Berkeley, in his work, Principles of Human Knowledge, he made every effort to reject all of Locke’s claims. Although viciously attacked by Berkeley, Locke’s doctrine of abstraction holds true as a fundamentally sound and practical doctrine for the advancement of knowledge and communication. In Book II of Essay, Locke formulates theories on how knowledge is acquired. Previously in Essay, Locke establishes his position as an empiricist through his discussion of simple and complex ideas. According to Locke, simple ideas come into the mind either through sensation or through reflection. With regards to complex ideas, Locke argues that, although the mind is a â€Å"blank slate† until impressed upon by experience, he acknowledges the power of the mind to be multifaceted. â€Å"The acts of the mind, wherein it exerts its power over simple ideas, are chiefly these three: 1. Combining several simple ideas into one compound one, and thus all complex ideas are made. 2. The second is bringing two ideas, whether simple or complex, together, and setting them by one another so as to take a view of them at once, without uniting them into one, by which it gets all its ideas of relations. 3. The third is separating them from all other ideas that accompany them in their real existence: this is called abstraction, and thus all its general ideas are made. †(Essay 146) This being so, it is apparent that Locke believes in the mind’s ability to manipulate content as it is received. Locke entertains this notion by explaining that the mind subjects simple ideas to various processes such as combining, comparing, and abstraction. The most important of these three abilities is the mind’s ability to form abstract ideas. Further into Book III of Essay, Locke outlines his famous doctrine of abstraction, or rather, doctrine of general terms. Abstract ideas are formed by proceeding with particular ideas (which may either be simple and complex). As established earlier, abstract ideas are a result of the mind’s ability to manipulate. Locke further demonstrates this point by explaining that only particular things exist in the external world and can be determined by the senses. The formation of abstract ideas is reliant on the existence of particular ideas and is therefore derivative of them. General or abstract terms come to fruition as the result of subtracting away particular qualities such as color, height, weight, and size from an idea. however , at the same time, maintaining the general or similar qualities that allow the idea to be paired or grouped with others. Locke illustrates this point in his discussion of general terms. For example, a particular idea would be, as Locke states, Peter, James or Mary. Through the process of abstraction, one subtracts the qualities that are specific to Peter, James, or Mary, and instead retain the characteristics which are common to all three. Thus, the abstract or general term derived from the three, is human beings. (Essay 396) According to Locke the absence of the specific qualities and preservation of similarities is what makes the idea general or relatable to others. Thus forming the process of abstraction, a doctrine that is embraced by Locke, but wholeheartedly rejected by Berkeley. One aspect of George Berkeley that is safe to assume is that he was definitely not a fan of Locke, or Locke’s doctrine of abstraction. This is evident in the sheer fact that Berkeley devoted his introduction of Principles to the refutation of the doctrine of abstraction. However this raises the question: Why did Berkeley feel so strongly? Why does Berkeley feel the need to reject abstraction? The answer to these questions is two-fold. First and foremost, Berkeley sees Locke’s doctrine of abstraction as a detractor from the overall purpose of his philosophical work. â€Å"Philosophy being nothing else but the study of wisdom and truth.. a greater clearness and evidence of knowledge, and be less disturbed by with the doubts and difficulties of other men. yet so it is, we see the illiterate bulk of mankind walk the high-road of plain common sense. † (PHK intro 1) In this example Berkeley establishes himself as the â€Å"no nonsense† defender of common sense . Throughout Principles, Berkeley often mentions his disdain for simply verbal philosophical questions that are ultimately speculative and accomplish nothing. By disproving abstraction, he can avoid what he believes to be useless philosophy. Instead, Berkeley presents himself to be rooted more so in specifics and what can be known. An example of this exists in his discussion of mathematics, arithmetic and the natural sciences and abstraction. In this discussion, Berkeley argues that abstraction plays no part in these concepts. (PHK 118-122) Building on this, abstraction also threatens Berkeleys overarching theme of â€Å"esse este percepi,† Or rather â€Å"to be is to be perceived. † Throughout Principles, Berkeley essentially argues that specific qualities such as color, size, and odor cannot exist unless they are perceived. By this logic, abstract ideas, ideas born absent of perception and stripped of specific qualities, cannot adequately fit into the constraints of hisrequirement   for existence. This being so, Berkeley openly objects to and attacks Locke’s doctrine. Despite this effort, Berkeley is unable to accomplish his intended goal. In his introduction, Berkeley launches a three pronged attack against Locke’s abstractionism. Beginning with the â€Å"inability to abstract† argument, followed by the â€Å"inconsistent and confusing† and ending with â€Å"unnecessary† argument, Berkeley outlines what he believes to be a â€Å"killing blow† to Locke’s doctrine. However, his rejection of abstraction is rather weak. As stated before, Berkeley begins his rejection of abstraction by stating that the human mind is unable to abstract. He illustrates his point through a thought experiment, â€Å"I can consider the hand, the eye, the nose, each by itself abstracted or separated from the rest of the body. but then whatever hand or eye I imagine, it must have some particular shape and color I cannot by any effort of thought conceive the abstract idea above described. And it is impossible for me to form the abstract idea of motion distinct from the body moving. † (PHK intro 10) In this example, Berkeley demonstrates his attempt to form a general idea through the process of abstraction. He concludes that the human mind is unable to accomplish this as it is impossible not to attribute specific and particular qualities to an idea when abstracting it. This being so, when imaging an idea, one cannot view it in general terms, but instead can only view it particularly. This argument doesn’t really develop any strengths or weakness for or against Abstraction. If posed with the same thought experiment, Locke would surely answer that he would be able to form abstract ideas within his mind. Because Locke believes all human minds have the same capabilities, Locke would argue that because he is able to form abstract ideas, Berkeley must also be able to do so, thus rendering the point moot. Berkeley moves on from the psychological inability to form abstract thoughts and onto the argument that the abstraction is inconsistent and therefore inadequate as a doctrine. Holding back no punches, Berkeley directly quotes Locke in his introduction to Principles. â€Å". . does it not require some pains and skill to form the general idea of a triangle . . . for it must be neither oblique, nor rectangle, neither equilateral, equicrural, no scalenon, but all and none of these at once. †(Essay 596) Berkeley is quick to respond to this statement. â€Å"In effect, it is something imperfect that cannot exist, an idea wherein some parts of several different and inconsistent ideas are put together. † (PHK intro 13) In this example, Berkeley criticizes Locke’s doctrine as not only being impossible to achieve, but also inconsistent. In his reading of Locke, Berkeley states that Lockes’ description of the abstraction process as encompassing â€Å"all and none. † Berkeley outlines the contradiction that object or idea cannot posses both all and none of the same qualities. Because there exists a contradiction within Lockes argument, Berkeley asserts, that the doctrine of abstraction is flawed and therefore impossible. However, it is in this example it becomes apparent that Berkeley mis-interprets Locke’s doctrine. Perhaps in angst to defeat abstraction, Berkeley gets tripped up on Locke’s wording. Abstraction only deals with the subtraction of the differences, but keeps the commonalities between ideas. In fact, it appears that Berkeley is the more inconsistent of the two as he accurately describes Locke’s true position on abstraction earlier in the intro, yet discounts it later on. (PHK intro 9). The third and final argument against abstraction Berkeley outlines is the questioning of the necessity for abstraction. Berkeley argues, â€Å"from all which the natural consequence should seem to be, that so difficult a thing as the as the forming abstract ideas was not necessary for communication, which is so easy and familiar to all sorts of men. But we are told, if they seem obvious and easy to grown men. it is only because by constant and familiar use they are made so. † (PHK intro 14) In this example, Berkeley states that general are utterly useless because they fail to appropriately define an idea. Instead, generalizations are adopted because they’re easy and familiar, not because they are useful. Furthermore, according to Locke, the meaning of a general term is an abstract idea. Berkeley refutes this notion and explains that a general term denotes a range of particular ideas. As a result, Berkeley explains that abstraction is not only useless, but also confusing. Again, Berkeley refers to triangles in his description. â€Å"How can we know any proposition to be true of all particular triangles, except we have first seen it demonstrated of the abstract idea of a triangle which equally agrees to all? For, because a property may be demonstrated to agree to some one particular triangle, it will not thence follow that it equally belongs to any other triangle. † (PHK intro 16) In this example, Berkeley demonstrates that abstracted general terms lead to confusion. The abstract term for a triangle cannot adequately encompass the idea of a triangle because it can be attributed to a wide range of triangles. (Right, obtuse, acute etc. ) By using abstraction, Berkeley argues, one could be referring to a range of particular ideas without properly defining one. Simply using the general term â€Å"triangle† does not appropriately account for a triangle because it is impossible tou nderstand exactly what triangle is being talked about. Because of this, Berkeley argues, the lack of specificity in abstract terms allows for confusion which hinders human development of knowledge. While Berkeley has his moments, ultimately, Locke appears to be the more philosophically sound of the two. This is mainly because of the the application of the doctrine of abstraction and its ability to enhance human knowledge and communication. In Book III Locke notes the importance of abstract general ideas to knowledge. He explains that abstract ideas and classification are of central importance to a common understanding and communication of language. â€Å"Words ultimately derived from such as signify sensible ideas. It may also lead us a little towards the original notions how great a dependence our words have on common sensible ideas. † (Essay 388) In this example, Locke explains the purpose of abstraction. With the ability to attach commonly held and general terms to ideas, people are able better communicate ideas to each other because they hold a common understanding. For example if one attempted to explain the qualities of a cat, imagine how tedious it would be under Berkeley’s system of particulars for one to explain every perceivable quality of a cat. In Lockes system, however, ideas can be abstracted and it is commonly known that cats are felines, walk on 4 legs, and are mammals. When someone uses the general term â€Å"cat† others are able to recognize the term and know what is being discussed without further and unnecessary explanation. The ability to make this classification helps the growth of knowledge because it allows all to hold a commonly known concept. Qualities of size, color, etc are irrelevant. General terms attach an efficiency, and the ability for all to understand.